Hello this is my second post here and I so glad I was given the info for this site. I have been a BF shopper over 10 years now and Walmart is my favorite one stop shop. We live in pittsburgh but have shopped BF in charlotte,nc and virginia beach,va many times when we have gone home for the holidays. (walmart is always the first stop All of the walmart stores have priced matched even rebate items from other stores. The item have to be exact, SKU # match, color differences have not mattered. What matters most is your attitude be calm and polite. The more you are spending in their store the more helpful they get.Make sure to get the name of the person who authorizes the match. Normally it is a manager or sorts, this has helped me in the past because if the same manager comes to a different department and they remember that you killed them with kindness on this most crazy day they are usually very helpful, and quickly ok the match. My thursday night ritual is I scan all the ads, esp games for PS2, Xbox ect, DVD sets, music cd, I make a list and number the store ads and cross reference to ease checkout. Last year we spent over 3 hours in walmart but got everything we wanted and price matched over half of what we had. I spent over $1,000 in walmart last year on BF we have 6 teenager/young adults and this is how we get their gear and games.