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  1. Has anyone ordered from this website before? Can't find any customer service phone numbers.
  2. you can use coupon code treat30 to get an additional 30% off other clearance items
  3. They have some hoodies priced at $16.99 that comes with the free pants also. http://www.aeropostale.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3066799&cp=2284058.2540679&canSortByPrice=true&int_nextBucket=0&PAGES_PER_BUCKET=10&pageDisplay=family&page_bucket=0&showBrandFilter=true&clickid=cat_leftnav_txt&stepTwoImg=%26lt%3Bfont+style%3Dfont-size%3A11px%3Bcolor%3A%235A5A5A%3Bfont-weight%3Abold%3B%26gt%3B%26amp%3Bnbsp%3B%26amp%3Bnbsp%3BSort+by%3A%26amp%3Bnbsp%3B%26lt%3B%2Ffont%26gt%3B&cm_re=GrLP-_-081021_T2-_-GirlsSportySets&pageType=family&stepThreeImg=%26lt%3Bfont+style%3Dfont-size%3A11px%3Bcolor%3A%235A5A5A%3Bfont-weight%3Abold%3B%26gt%3B3%26lt%3B%2Ffont%26gt%3B&count=36&view=all&multiRowFilter=false&int_prevBucket=-1&showSizeSearch=false&totalProductsCount=36&showSbsInstructions=false&pageCount=3&hasBrandFilter=false&hasPagination=false&num_buckets=1&pageNum=1&parentPage=family
  4. if you use coupon code SURVAUG8 you get an additional 15% off
  5. Look like it may have been and error. I cannot find the link. But i did get get 1gb for $19.99. This is what I received on my order confirmation: 1 "Hannah Montana "Fashion Collection" Hannah with Extra Outfit 2" Play Along; Toy; $8.99 Sold by: Amazon.com 1 "Barbie Girls Fashion Pack - Purple/Pink" Mattel; Toy; $9.88 Sold by: Amazon.com 1 "Barbie Girls 1GB MP3 Player - Gold - Store 240 Songs!" Mattel; Toy; $19.99
  6. Sorry I could not reply I got sick and was down a couple of days. I actually got the 1gb for $19.99 see copy from order Amazon.com items (Sold by Amazon.com, LLC): 1 Hannah Montana "Fashion C... $8.99 1 Barbie Girls Fashion Pack ... $9.88 1 1 Barbie Girls 1GB MP3 Playe... $19.99 1 $19.99 I will try to find the link and post
  7. Got the gold 1gb for $19.99 with free accessory kit
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