We put most of our outside decorations up over the weekend when the weather was nice. Last year we waited & had to do it in the blowing snow! I always decorate the inside of the house on Thanksgiving & then usually put the trees up a week or so later.
Thanks for responding. This would be a gift for my mom. All she does on it, other than email, is play games (Pogo, etc...). It's definately a good price, but I wasn't sure how it would run.
Could someone tell me if the HP at Staples (AMD Athlon 250 dual core processor, 3GB RAM, 640GB hd) is big/fast enough for someone that just plays online games & does email?
Hi All!
It's been a longgggg time since I had any babies to buy for, I need some ideas for an 8 month old baby boy. We're pretty close to his parents, but I really have no idea what would be a good gift. I'm probably looking at around $50. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!!