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  1. waiting for this ad!!!!!!!!!!
  2. We put most of our outside decorations up over the weekend when the weather was nice. Last year we waited & had to do it in the blowing snow! I always decorate the inside of the house on Thanksgiving & then usually put the trees up a week or so later.
  3. I can't believe I don't know this/remember, but when do the sale ads come in the paper? Are they in Thanksgiving newspapers? Day before?
  4. Thanks for responding. This would be a gift for my mom. All she does on it, other than email, is play games (Pogo, etc...). It's definately a good price, but I wasn't sure how it would run.
  5. Could someone tell me if the HP at Staples (AMD Athlon 250 dual core processor, 3GB RAM, 640GB hd) is big/fast enough for someone that just plays online games & does email? TIA
  6. Gamestop & Boscovs are makin me wait!!
  7. I'm not really tech-savy,,,,,is the HP desktop that's going to be $299.98, good (big) enough for someone that only plays games & checks email online?
  8. Hi All! It's been a longgggg time since I had any babies to buy for, I need some ideas for an 8 month old baby boy. We're pretty close to his parents, but I really have no idea what would be a good gift. I'm probably looking at around $50. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!!!! TIA
  9. last year was the worst for me at CC, but it's still one of my favorite stores,,,,knock-on-wood I've never had a problem there
  10. If I have time while cleaning & cooking on Turkey day!!
  11. WHOO HOOO,,,,,,THAT MEANS IT IS SOOOOO CLOSE!!!!! So far I've seen BF commercials for Wallyworld & Best Buy
  12. thx for trying, but nothing there for what hubby wants, except the normal free shipping
  13. Any codes out there for Muscians' Friend? tia!
  14. 35* partly sunny, chance of snow 30%...............hope the roads aren't gonna be frozen!!
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