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  1. I just placed my order with boxed deals and I got my code instantly! My son put it right into his Xbox one and it is legit!
  2. I ordered the pink tote last week and already received it- it's really cute and a descent size for $3.
  3. I was just coming to post this!
  4. I'm always here year round!! I love this site!
  5. Looking through all of the ads and devising my plan of attack!
  6. For those who wanted Lego friends- some sets were on clearance at my Walmart- I got 2 sets for my nieces for $7 each. They were the smaller rectangular boxes, one was a science set and another a pet grooming set I believe. They did have larger ones on sale but I did not check the prices.
  7. Glad you all got in on the two for Tuesday deal...remember...it is available EVERY Tuesday...not that I want Dominos EVERY Tuesday My son might, but not me...
  8. Not sure if it is every store, but on Tuesdays, my Dominos offers a Two for Tuesday deal- buy one pizza get one free...that's EVERY Tuesday. The coupon is online on Tuesdays, or just call your dominos and ask for the Two for Tuesday deal.
  9. I have this code WW39605 which gives you free shipping AND 20% off orders of $25 or more. This is for today only.
  10. Spongebob Media Player 1G Silv List Price: $99.99 Price: $24.88 - REALLY good reviews! avail for Super Saver Shipping or Prime Now this is $18.73, and it has free shipping from Buy.com, which means you don't need filler to get it up to $25.00!!!!!! ****Just to clarify, this is an AMAZON deal, posted above....*****
  11. Yes this will play on a DSi
  12. bumping up...I was coming to post this, too! Oops..it is expired now...
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