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Everything posted by bargaingal2

  1. I got an order email confirmation but when I go to log in it says I don't have an account either weird!
  2. woohoo the three of us at work thank you!
  3. Thanks I got them this time :)
  4. Showing $39.99 for me, how did you guys get it for $30? I would do $30 but not $39.99
  5. Thanks got a couple for me and sent one a Good Housekeeping to my mom for Christmas :)
  6. Ours closed years ago, wish they were still around though
  7. My kids love this game :)
  8. Bummer all the ones I like they don't have in my sizes
  9. Darn it Michigan Sold out!
  10. Bummer wish it was for wii!
  11. Oh my dd would love this!!! I don't even think our store carries those
  12. 90% off here in Troy Mi this morning as well. I was looking for the curtains but those must have gone 75% off last week when I was out of town bummer! But I was able to get some good Vday stuff. Dora and Barbie Books, and some gift bags that can be used anytime cause they just have hearts on them and ofcourse some chocolate LOL!!
  13. I picked up my nephew a 20" mongoose bike today down from $149 to $37.?? It is black with some gray. DH hid it in the garage till next month but it only had the red sticker on the bike no other labeling. From my receipt it says seasonal garden center(weird), fs bike 20 inch and it was $37.48. Numbers 082050010
  14. Looks fun and the maracas for 9.99 as well. Does anyone have this game?? I have a 7 and 10 year old will they like it??? Now to find something $4.99 so I can get the free shipping LOL!
  15. Thanks! I picked instore pickup so $10.60 for 20 pr not bad
  16. They will do toys again in July sometime if I remember correct
  17. Yeah we have yet to figure out how it works as well
  18. Yep order in December through tomorrow and get Mid Feb.
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