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Everything posted by bargaingal2

  1. Need some input. My 14 year old wants an ipad, no way we can afford that. Would this be a good subsitute?
  2. I just bought from Department goods as well, yep looks like they are the outlet company for Backcountry.com which is a North Face dealer
  3. They cancelled my coat order today So excited I will be getting the hat though, NOT!!!
  4. debating on getting it for my 9 & 13 year old????
  5. Thanks I got some detroit tiger bday invitations for really cheap :)
  6. So what is considered a holiday drink? I cna't find it on their website. Thanks!
  7. I have never seen them do the extra off here in our Michigan (sterling hts, troy, rochester etc) but I have been in Florida on vacation when the Target down there did the 30% extra off. Wish they would do it around here.
  8. Where are the scooters located in the store? I need one for my niece
  9. My dh and kids found Series 1 and Series 2 Mighty Beans, Thanks for the heads up, they are so excited! They also brought me home a bunch of the tape that was 90% off, woohoo!
  10. My 9 year old got one from santa this year. The snow finally melted and she has rode it several times and loves it! Really easy to put together too, the box is huge so not too many parts, just connecting them together. Great price!
  11. Went this am, but still 75% off and nothing I really even want at 90% off so woohoo I won't have to check back LOL!
  12. I tried it to but it won't work. It did say all over the 75% off page can not be used with any other discount. Their shipping is crazy high
  13. I never see the napkins, paper towel, ziplocs and soft soap. Someone in my area must hit up all our stores before I go in cause I never see them left and we have numerous targets I look for them at
  14. Yep I ordered lots of stocking gifts from them and they shipped 12/3. I guess no one will be getting those arghhhhhhhhhhhh. I knew it would take awhile but this is just stupid. I will not be ordering from them again as know I had to go out this morning and rebuy stocking gifts
  15. I would have done this if they would have allowed me to pick up at store. Im too cheap, I wont pay their shipping charges lol
  16. What I found weird about this when I got it was that the inner coat doesnt zip into the outer coat, which is weird when closing and zipping up the coat
  17. Now if they would just plow the roads so we could actually get to Meijer that would be great!
  18. Thanks got some wonderful stocking stuffers at just over $2.00 each (mascara and eyeshadow)
  19. I got mine last night from the store but I didn't open the box it came in yet to see it
  20. Darn it I really needed these for my dd and now they are sold out.
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