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Last year was the least shopping I’ve done on BF in years. I wondered if it’s because many of us are online and not standing in line for hours… Feels like the retailers rewarded those shoppers who were out in the stores making BF what it is.
The anticipation is building
Woot woot...let the deals begin!
Great prizes!
In the spirit of Halloween this inflatable monster on a toilet would make the perfect gift for anyone into decorating for Halloween, and it has lights and sounds too. I think everyone can figure out what sound it makes https://www.amazon.com/Halloween-Inflatable-Surprise-Monster-Industries/dp/B07J294PS6/ref=pd_sbs_86_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07J294PS6&pd_rd_r=acf2bcd6-dd3e-11e8-ad1e-d5e13555840d&pd_rd_w=GSZhO&pd_rd_wg=aYNyx&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=7d5d9c3c-5e01-44ac-97fd-261afd40b865&pf_rd_r=Y5SZ1XHDHDEYGJ7RMHE8&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=Y5SZ1XHDHDEYGJ7RMHE8
This is a gift that I would love to receive myself this year....a new Jeep Compass! The perfect gift for anyone shopping around for a new car. Amazon really does has everything! https://www.amazon.com/Jeep-Compass-Altitude-Metallic-Clearcoat/dp/B07BDQS7LH/ref=sr_1_2?s=vehicles&ie=UTF8&qid=1540928626&sr=1-2&refinements=p_n_feature_four_browse-bin%3A11710196011%2Cp_4%3AJeep%2Cp_model_name-bin%3ACompass
Winifred's Book of Spells would make the perfect gift for the Halloween or Hocus Pocus fanatic in your life! https://www.amazon.com/Hocus-Pocus-book-spells-prop/dp/B076VYVD4W
Every coffee drinker should have this mug! Was given one as a gift and I love it. https://www.amazon.com/Personalized-Prescription-Coffee-Mug-Personalize-x/dp/B00D6472CQ/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1540478334&sr=8-7&keywords=pill+coffee+mug
Harbor Freight 10/15
A 50" tv in the $200 range
I love the trivia questions and prizes but I agree with Riven3d. Maybe ask the question and the first correct response in the chat room wins. Even if there isn't a broadcast delay there could be an email delay too.
Harbor Freight 10/14
Sears LG 55" 3D Led hdtv $999.99
Toys-R-Us released this today... "The first 200 customers to line up at their local Toys“R”Us store on Thursday evening will receive a complimentary Great Big Goody Bag packed with gifts that are small in size and big on value.** Featuring fun playthings from top brands, including Crayola™, LEGO® and Disney Jr.® worth $30 in total value, this special offer is sure to help parents and gift givers add a little extra something to holiday stockings." http://www9.toysrus.com/press-room/releases/general/2012/toysrus-to-kick-off-its-biggest-black-friday-event-at-8pm-on/
Macy's has mattresses in their ad.