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Posts posted by marcimomof4

  1. Hi! I am Marci I am a SAHM to 3 wonderful children. Meagan 13, Caleb 9 and Alex 20 mon. I ahve been married to my best friend for 15 years. I have been a BF addict since '92. Now my DH is a BF addict as well. When I was on bedrest with my last child he had to go for me...now he wouldn't miss it for the world! LOL I am so excited the forums are up and that we have our first ad! (even though I don't have an Ace to shop at. ;)
  2. LOl I think I have made my DH come to the darkside....he is already talking about how he is going to do the lights this year. :cheesy: When we first got married he wanted to wait until 12/15 to decorate . I think I have won!!!! :yup:
  3. put up my pumpkins and start decorating for Christmas? LOL :holiday03


    I swear I was finishing up my fall display outside yesterday and I was wishing that I was decorating for Christmas! I keep getting earlier and earlier every year. At this rate my house will be the house with Christmas stuff up year 'round. :cheesy:

  4. DD does not anymore (she is 12), DS1 (9 years) says he believes but I don't actually think he does. He has a lot of questions for a believer. and DS2 is to young to know who Santa is (10 months)


    I am going to be so sad when I don't have believers anymore. I think I will do like my mom does....we still get "santa" at her house and we are grown. :D

  5. We let the kids open one thing on Christmas eve. A tradition I have from growing up, its usually a new pair of pjs that I give in and let them wear that night. All the other gifts "arrive" during the night.

    That is how we do it too. :yup:

  6. The biggest problem for me is the age difference. I try to spend the same $$ on each of my 2 kids, but everything ds17 wants cost a lot, Like last year he wanted a ps3 =$600. I tried to spend the same on ds5, but if I would have, our house would be piled to the ceiling with toys!:) ds5 toys costs a lot less!! So ds 17 ends up with 2 oor 3 gifts and ds5 gets 20+ and I still didn't spend as much on ds5!! ugg!

    This is my problem too. It is so hard to make it look even that I really usually go wwwwaaaayyyy overboard!

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