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Everything posted by Bigbroad55

  1. The 3.00 pajama deals at walmart & 169. Dsi preloaded 5 games and 20.00 + 10.00 gift cards back to buy it....
  2. Once again Gotta Deal saved me money you guys do a hell of an excellent job.. I look forward to your deals and info every year... my family even asks me to tell them what's going on here Next year At tax time I will put money in a bond for 6 months so I have the money already to run around.. But gotta love it looking forward to it all year.
  3. It didn't matter with the new system they still had fights and ambulances.....
  4. My sister in-laws and had an Excellent time I spent a Little to much but my rent is paid so I am safe. Dropped DH off at 3:30 am to work at Wally World lolz Walmart Then headed for our Black Friday after a kiss and hug from dh and "becareful" What I got: 4 am : Jcpenny; 2 free globes 2 bobbie jack jackets 13.99 ea, 2 bobby jack tops 9.99, 1 wcw top 7.80 and jean leggins7.99 and South Pole Top Dd 9.99. I did get a little annoyed I didn't see the 10.00 off was for 3pm. 5am Toys r us: Little broom for ds 5.99 and twilight edward top for dd 14.99 they took my 5.00 coupon And swipped my tru/babies r us point card and gave me a discount everything came to 16.41 5:30 my hubby called me from walmart to tell me walmart was a mad house that the people were trying to start by ripping stuff before 4 am and were trying to get them to start the blitz items earlier then 5 but security stopped it people were getting hurt having fights they needed an ambulance as well so they started only letting 25 to at a time to make sure it would be ok also to caution when we get there he was not on the floor he was part of the tv handing out lolz 6 am went to Targets after grabbing something at mcdonalds I got the white DSi 169.00 and warrenty 17.00 for dd and since we moved I got another copy of Christmas Vacation for 5.99 we decided to go back to Target a little later I did get the 20.00 gift card for buying the dsi and 10.00 for making over 100. Purchase I used later. To bad I spent 205 I couldn't of gotten 2 of the 10.00 for making over 100. Purchase. We went to Walmart about 7 and got 2 jrs mickey fleece pj's for dd 7 ea a pair for ds 3. and a pair for dm 7 and my nephew 3, pyrex cake glass pie bakeware 2.00 2 loaves bread .75 ea and hellemans 2.88 Another package of pacifiers soothies for ds 3.43 and a straw cup for toddlers 2.48 There were 2 asses trying to turn there 2 carts around in a small isle I was like why are u doing this ? Went back to Targets and picked up queen flannel pink snowman sheets 13.99 pamper diapers for ds 19.99 pamper wipes they had 30% off at 2.23 got 2 packs 2 christmas headbands 1.00 ea used my 30.00 gift cards plus card. We decided to go to Kohls about hr away, 2 pair mickey pajams for 10.40. Slippers which are horrible 5. And earrings xoxox 9. Which my husband is giving me. We went to lunch at Jani chinese /japanese at 12:00 came to 15.00 X 3 people Then went back to walmart around 3 to pick up some "promo" videos priced at 2. 5. And 9. Got buckets list for 5. Last sumari for 2. Xmen united 5 and waited for Dh to punch out and got into the car by 5 I forgot to run over to fashion bug for my jacket for 20.00 Now for next year lolz I am going to put money in a bond and take it out in nov so I am safe...
  5. Happy Black Friday My Fellow Black Friday Friends
  6. :dthank you
  7. Yes we usually take 2 kids from the offering tree
  8. I had a Fuji Digital I got a few years ago it was wonderful but a week ago I dropped it face down and it broke, my warrenty at Best Buy swapped it out for a Nikon Cool Pix 10 Mega Pixel EXCELLENT does all kinds of cool things
  9. Good Evening,,, Dsi is 169.00 on BF if you purchase it, comes with a $20.00 Gift Card. My question is since your making a purchase over $100.00 do you still get the other $10.00 gift card as well ? In the add it says purchase over 100.00 and get a 10.00 gift card... Also Purchase Dsi 169.00 And Get 20.00 Gift Card Thanking You In Advance
  10. Thank God no more Hannah Montana stuff I sold all of it on Ebay at Halloween.
  11. Depends on how good the Black Friday is going to be .. Were usually up and at Jcpennys at 4 am to get the free snow globe then buy A New Bobby Jack Outfit then off to Sears and Walmart. Good God I would never walk into Toys R Us. 2 years ago we were at Jcpenny's and Toys r us is right across the street the line and all the people looked like an angry mob out of one of those pictures where the mob has pitch forks and torches... LOLZ :eyepoppin
  12. Black Friday is indeed not a day for kids to go, but if you have no one to watch your kids what can you do. Mine stay home...
  13. Sears you can not put these things The only thing about sears online layaway and i believe in the store as well these items can not be placed on the layaway Unauthorized Merchandise The following merchandise cannot be put in Layaway: • Clearance Merchandise • Home Appliances • Automotive Merchandise • Consumables • Doorbusters/Early Open Specials • Licensed Business (i.e. Optical, hearing aids, etc.) • Gift Cards • Beer and wine • Flammable products and fuel • Food and other perishable merchandise • Live plants and horticulture • Oil and chemical based products • Photo Finishing and Portrait Studio pictures • Chemicals • Gas additives • Magazines • Paint thinner • Pool chemicals • Cellular phones and beepers
  14. The only thing about sears online layaway and i believe in the store as well these items can not be placed on the layaway Unauthorized Merchandise The following merchandise cannot be put in Layaway: • Clearance Merchandise • Home Appliances • Automotive Merchandise • Consumables • Doorbusters/Early Open Specials • Licensed Business (i.e. Optical, hearing aids, etc.) • Gift Cards • Beer and wine • Flammable products and fuel • Food and other perishable merchandise • Live plants and horticulture • Oil and chemical based products • Photo Finishing and Portrait Studio pictures • Chemicals • Gas additives • Magazines • Paint thinner • Pool chemicals • Cellular phones and beepers
  15. TRU is only doing lay away for "Baby Furniture & Any BIG Ticket Items Such As The Play Houses, Kitchens And Electric Cars" And Nothing Else.
  16. Champagne Punch is used at my house for Christmas & New Years.... 1 Bottle Of Champagne Which Ever You Prefer 1 Bottle Of Diet Or Regular Gingerale As Prefered Which One You Want I love Shweppes 2 Oranges 1 Of The 1/2 Gallon Of Raspberry Or Orange Sherbert Try To Get It In The Paper Box Not Tub 1 Jar Of Red Cherries In Juice First Get A Big Bowl Or What Ever You Are Going To Put The punch In Place It in The Freezer To Chil For 1/2 Hr. 1. After The Bowl Has Chilled Add The Bottle Of Champagne 2. Add Gingerale & Cherry Juice 3. If You Get The Paper Box Just Cut The Box Apart And Add The Sherbert In Full Will Last All Day Or All Night 4. Slice Oranges And Place Them In Around The Sherbert 5. Add Cherries To Garnish Now You Can Place Back in Fridge And Served Chilled
  17. Black Friday is the day I wait for all year long before I actually do my "santa shopping" this day I see what kind of sales are going on. Also wants too.
  18. Interveiw Of A Vampire by Anne Rice
  19. Florida still does it also
  20. Do you think that there are stores that will actually NOT do BF ? which ones do you think ? Also which ones do you think will have a GREAT SALE?
  21. Well just have to wait and see ?
  22. I love that index card info I think I will use it myself this year, last year we did not go we were in DISNEY WORLD for thanksgiving.... 1. Money, Gift Card, Debit Card 2. Slippers 3. My SIL this year 4. Santa's List 5. I get up at 3 or even stay up the entire night then go to sleep when we get back..
  23. Do you think the stores will go lower on prices and more incentives in this money problem year ?
  24. It's my tradition to go out Black Friday, this year god willing I will be going out with my sister this will be her first time out that crazy day ... I usually go out for the snow globe at jcpenny's the breakfast at Sams Club and also a few items that Santa will be asked to bring. I also get a kick out of how many other shoppers I see and the people on the lines over night GOD BLESS THEM something would have to be that cheap and worth my while to go over night.
  25. I am hoping for a Dsi that is not to high in price, also a new computer or lap top for myself,,
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