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Everything posted by skcanton

  1. My Wal-Mart got a shipment in last night and were stocking the shelves this morning. They got in B2 Brawlers, shooters, card packs with 6 cards and a nice card set that comes with 30 cards in a tin with a holographic bonus card. I lucked out last week when I called around looking for them that the head of the toy dept. told me that she thought they would be coming in on Sunday. When she called this morning and told me the good news I practically flew right out the door!! Another mom noticed them in my cart while I was in the grocery section and flipped out when she saw them in my cart. My boys will now have all the Bakugan they asked for. Can you believe that this summer my Walmart had all the Bakugan stuff on clearance?!?!?! I actually was able to get balls back then for $2.50 per pack and the arena was $10.00!!!!! If I only had ESP I would have bought everything up then. FYI- Last weekend when we were at TRU for the Bakugan tournament. One of the employees who were helping run the tournament explained the whole history of them to me. Bakugan has actually been around since the mid 80's. Back then it was just cards, no balls. Then about 3 or 4 years ago the balls came out. They have been very popular in Asia and Europe since they came out, but just recently caught on in the US. So no its not a marketing scam, they really truely can't keep up with the demand. Atleast that is what I have been told. Good lucking hunting!!
  2. My DS wants a iPod Nano this year and his favorite color is Red so naturally I want to get him the red Nano, which is available only at apple.com Does anyone remember if apple had any online BF sales last year? I'm just wondering if I should wait or go ahead and order it now? Thanks!
  3. Hi Everyone, Our local Walmart just re-built a new building and is now a SuperWalmart. I have always just got at 5:00am to Walmart to get all the great deals, but I was wondering if SuperWalmarts do things differently? What if they are 24hr. will doorbusters be at 12:01? Or do they all keep the 5 am opening the same? Thanks for the info. This site is great!!!
  4. Do you know how you got the coupon? Do you have their credit card or something? I know I will purchasing my DS suit there next weekend and I would love a coupon. TIA
  5. Does Walgreens double coupons? I have $0.50 coupons good one 2 Tides. Just wondering if I can manage to get my tide for $1.49. Thanks!
  6. Could I get an email to [email protected] Thanks
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