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  1. Getting the great deals and saving lots of money. But, I really like meeting new people while standing in line and comparing what hot items we're trying to snag... You meet alot of interesting people in a black friday line maybe because everyone is so excited, I can't wait!!!
  2. I went to Target last night and bought a Bright Starts bounce, bounce baby activity/exersaucer ($39.98) marked down 75% ($9.98). I thought that was a good deal and they only had one, so I guess it was meant for me.
  3. thanks...
  4. thank you...
  5. I brought the Garmin c340 car navigation system during Black Friday last year at Circuit City and I absolutely love it. It's very user friendly and I have not had one single problem with the unit. However, you might want to consider purchasing the additional warranty plan. My sister had a problem with her unit and Circuit City replaced it with a "new" unit, not a refurbished one. Good luck...
  6. I live in Virginia and I received the Lowe's coupon in the mail. It was $10.00 off of a $25.00 or more purchase.
  7. My Home Depot had both the Hoover z400 and z700. I picked up the Hoover z700 last night. Thanks amyj0_99 for posting that you could use your Lowe's coupons at Home Depot, I used a $10.00 Lowe's coupon, so my z700 was only $89.00!!!
  8. Ohh, the only word I like better than "sale" is "clearance"...
  9. Perhaps, you could make up little holiday tins and fill them with butter mints or Andre mints. Yummy...
  10. How about a gift certificate for a massage or a manicure/pedicure/facial combo... We all like to be pampered a little bit...
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