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Ok guys I am typing this out on my acer 10.1 mini. I love it. My 7 y/o son has used it many times without problems. I have had it since May. I have dropped it, my son has dropped it, and the cats have knocked it to the floor both openned and closed and it is still going. I have several middle school students that have this same model, some close to a year! So don't knock a mini, don't get a junkie brand or try to deal with places like dell. Try to get one off someplace like walmart.com and read the reviews!
I went to Lego club meeting and I was given next months calendar. It says Nov. 27: win up to a $500 shopping spree. Shop in the lego store on November 27 only and you'll recieve a special surprise savings card to reveal a 10%, 20% or 50% discount, or you could win a $10, $100 or $500 Lego gift card!
Oh,The Places You Will Go by Dr. Seuss I have serveral HPB near me. I love that store!
CVS, Target, Walgreens and if lego has anything and anywhere.
Last year was the first year I went with my mom and I was as worried for her like a mom worrying for her kid. Will she get stomped on, picked on, be able to grab stuff fst enough? My Mom is only 52 so I should think she could hold her own but this was her first time. She did fine but like always she pick up all these little extra things. What I thought was great was we planned it out together and put money on gift cards so we did have to bring cash or our purses. I usually carry my debit card only but the gift card kept us on budget. Can"t wait for this year!
I vow to buy only stuff that will be used and to not shop at walmart. I say I am not going to shop there every year and have only been able to not once.
Well the pagan question depends on whether you are speaking of wiccans or other non- judo christians. Wiccan or druids had the orginal chistmas tree, plus there is yule which falls like dec . 21. There is the biggest reason for Happy holidays: NOVEMBER 2009 1 All Saints' Day - Christian Samhain * - Wicca Northern hemisphere Beltane * - Wicca Southern hemisphere 2 All Souls' Day - Catholic Christian Guru Nanak Dev Sahib birthday Sikh 12 Birth of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i 15 Nativity Fast begins (through Dec 24) - Orthodox Christian 22 Christ the King - Christian 24 Guru Tegh Bahadur Martyrdom - Sikh 25-28 Hajj * - Islam 26 Thanksgiving - Interfaith - USA Day of Covenant * - Baha'i Waqf al Arafa - Hajj Day * ** - Islam 27 Eid al Adha * ** - Islam 28 Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha * Baha'i 29 First Sunday of Advent - Christian 30 Saint Andrew's Day - Christian Definitions DECEMBER 2009 6 Saint Nicholas Day - Christian 8 Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) ** - Buddhism Immaculate Conception - Catholic Christian 12 Feast day - Our Lady of Guadalupe - Catholic Christian Advent Fast begins - Orthodox Christian 12-19 Hanukkah * - Jewish 16-Dec 25 Posadas Navidenas - Christian 18 Hijra - New Year * ** - Islam 21 Solstice Yule - Christian Yule * - Wicca northern hemisphere Litha * - Wicca southern hemisphere 25 Christmas * - Christian 26 Zarathosht Diso (Death of Prophet Zarathushtra ** - Zoroastrian 27 Feast of the Holy Family - Catholic Christian Ashura * - Islam 28 Holy Innocents - Christian 31 Watch Night - Christian Growing up Jewish people with other religions often told me more about their religion because I would not judge. So as you can see there are a lot of holidays in these two months.
I am jewish as well and spend on black friday. I teach middle school and my students and other staff says merry christmas and I really don't care. I don't attend the christmas party but I don't mind small christmas gifts I recieve. I give students themed or holiday colored pencils. Happy Holidays is easy because 'Happy thanksgiving, merry christmas, happy hanuka, happy kwauza (sp?), happy festivitus, merry yule, joyus winter solitutus" is way too darn long to put on a poster.
A AD HECK YES! I know the owner of half priced books. My parents bought college text books there when they started. The owner is the store santa you get pictures with at the main Dallas location (northwest hwy by medallion center) He is a wonderful man and his wife is lovely.
Thanks I bought it. My son may watch it but it is more for me. It is the first movie I ever saw in theater. (my grandma took me to the 1.00 movie in 1987)