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  1. Sent my husband out for the paper and despite it saying it was $4.50 right on it (which he didn't realize) they charged him $7.99. He brought the paper home and it had Macy's, Home Depot, Penney's, Bloomingdales (which is stupid since there isn't one near here) Boscov's, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Shoe Carnival. No Walmart, Target, Best Buy, no craft stores. I miss paper ads!
  2. Anyone know if they're doing their $1 fuzzy sock deal? I thought they usually did it for BF but maybe it's some other time. I can't remember.
  3. I think the only reason they're doing it is because things start so early online now there's really no reason for them to open on Thanksgiving. They don't want to pay employees overtime pay to work Thanksgiving if they don't have to that. For years they had no problem with forcing their employees to work Thanksgiving but now that it doesn't really benefit them as much they aren't going to do it. Target was one of the worst ones with backing up their times from early BF morning until we ended up having to shop on Thanksgiving. With online sales what they are now I don't think we will see things ever return to the way they used to be on BF.
  4. I just placed another order. I decided to do the Big One throws for teacher gifts from my kids.
  5. I want the Canon camera. I wonder what the odds are of getting it Thursday.
  6. I couldn't get mine to go through at first either.
  7. It keeps saying it can't process my credit card for some reason. There's no problem on my end.
  8. I hope it goes live soon. I'm tired.
  9. Can't wait for this one to go live!
  10. I was surprised there was no My Life stuff either. Guess I'll have to have hope that TRU has Journey Girl stuff. There wasn't as much as I'd usually buy. I'm surprised Hatchimals were listed. Wonder what the odds are that they'll actually have it.
  11. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the whole year. We used to dinner with family but for years now we've done finger foods with just our little family. I make a bunch of unhealthy delicious stuff and we sit around the living room eating and watching a Christmas movie. Then we open a gift (always pajamas), put them on and drive around looking at lights.
  12. It might have an effect on what I buy. Do they sell bomb shelter supplies on Black Friday? Gas masks?
  13. I'm a stay at home mom but my husband takes the day off so I can go out. He stays home with the kids and I shop.
  14. I think with the way store opening times are not it seems to have helped with the mad rush at store openings. I think as long as you and your daughter feel comfortable and you think the dog will handle it okay you should go. I'd probably stay away from the items that people are more likely to go crazy over like electronics. If you need those items maybe you could split up with another family member so one can get those items and someone can stay with your daughter. Whatever you decide I wish your family well.
  15. I was able to get pretty much everything I wanted. It's nice to be able to take care of this online early. Now I just have to decide how I'll spend my $60 in Kohl's cash!
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