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Everything posted by ytmomof4

  1. First of March. Big month around here my dd who is 18 gets her total knee replacement in less than 3 weeks. last week the weather turned around slightly with a few days in the 50’s but, now it’s cold again. Ugh
  2. I’m so sick of winter. The cold and snow. Where was it at Christmas?
  3. Happy February! Idk y I have such a hard time getting to this thread now. But here I am I got here somehow lol
  4. Waiting on the snow we are supposed to get wondering what we will actually get they keep changing the amount
  5. Sorry for the late post. Things have been crazy thanks so much I love everything
  6. Merry Christmas everyone
  7. Received my oe yesterday thanks so much. Forgot to take a pic before I put it on my tree.
  8. Omg thank you so much!!!! truly appreciated!!!
  9. My favorite weekend there. I procrastinated and waited until yesterday to go
  10. Yes definitely annoying. Has happened to me several times this year
  11. Everything has been dropped off. I will get tracking numbers sent in a bit
  12. Everything is packed and ready to ship. Will be dropping it off this morning
  13. I received my ss today. Idk if I can hold out opening this year but I sure am going to try. thank you so much!!
  14. You will be so glad you did Explore air 2 If you are on facebook there are so many great groups with lots of helpful people. Don’t be scared
  15. Happy December!!
  16. I really wasn’t impressed this year. I didn’t feel the bag was that great of a deal and there prices went way up. I feel the weekly sales they have been running are way better
  17. Got my shirt last weekend. I love it and was excited to wear it. Thanks again
  18. I love my cricut. The best decision my friend ever talked me into. I make tshirts,ornaments, and a few other things. My favorite thing to make is my personalized elves. I have made more than enough to pay for my machine. I usually sell enough elves to pay for my Christmas. I have even made personalized water bottles and made enough to buy a car. you should definitely do it
  19. Went out first thing this morning and nothing was real busy. Didn’t really want anything but got what I wanted. Went back out later in the afternoon because usually the crowds have died down some. I wanted to take my daughter who had surgery a couple months ago but, still had to use crutches. It was way busier than usual. I couldn’t get parking at Walmart close enough for her so, we will go back in the morning because they will still have everything
  20. Got my snow globe!!!!!
  21. Had to get my grandson the tickle me Elmo. He is gonna love it
  22. My oe is done and will be shipped soon. I really wanted to find one more specific thing for my ss but I couldn’t find it today. Will check another close by store and hopefully that will be shipped out soon too.
  23. Happy thanksgiving
  24. Just saw they are running Disney plus and Hulu with ads for $2.99 a month for a year
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