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About KrystalMae1231

  • Birthday 05/02/1983
  1. Everything I add ends up sold out before I can actually buy it. Taking forever to load. Or giving error all together!!! Ugh
  2. This is the one I've been waiting on. Sweet!!
  3. Took the words out of my mouth
  4. Wow, is anyone else not impressed??
  5. My sis is pregnant with twins and they are taking them at 35 weeks which puts them due 2 weeks before Christmas, and as a family we do not expect or want anything from the expecting parents. They will get over it. Christmas is about more than gifts. We arent pregnant but I am in the same boat, we are both laid off and last year we vowed to only buy for children in our family and I think we are going to stick to the same this year. saved us probably 300.00 not buying for adults which is nice! If we did buy for adults we did cheap gift cards, like to Steak n shake or to the movies. I thought his parents would have had a cow, but they didnt and they completely understood come Christmas time. It was more about family that day. Wish you all the best and hope things work out for you. I would say something soon though so it's not a shock or unexpected come Christmas time.
  6. Has anyone else seen the woodzeez sets......they are just like the Sullivan families from when I was a kid, Walmart had them the other day, I almost bought the whole set bc I am not sur ehow hot of an item this will be.....Any thoughts?
  7. Things needed and pretty sure i will find a deal between now and BF are small LCD TV for DD9 around $100 PSP bundle or just PSP for DD9 for around $150 LAPTOP for DD9- hoping for just somepthing practical for around $200 (I am sure the only thing I will find around that price is a netbook but we'll see) AND TOYS TOYS AND MORE TOYS!!! Yah (sarcasm)! :)
  8. Price Matched at WM on Sunday. Thanks for the post!!!
  9. The same Zero gravity RC car will be available BF for 15.00
  10. I do, but I couldn't resist checking the "Big Jim you are crazy" option!! LOL
  11. I will be using my credit card, Kohls credit card, cash and debit card. I get reward from both credit cards, plus I have 0% interest until June 2010 so why not. lol
  12. Kenmore 3.5 cu ft washer & 7.0 cu ft Dryer at Sears for 499.99
  13. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! Really not funny!!!!! :)
  14. I just about went into panic mode when I couldn't get in. :) Thanks for all that you do, hope this streams some new gottadeal family members.
  15. This room is cracking me up!!!! you made my day so far. Although, nothing i hear of is what I am looking for.....I remember I was able to google search the ad last year like a week before it was supposed to be "leaked". If I find it this year, I will also post my santa list. lol
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