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  1. FYI: I went to Macy's today and a lot of the clearance was marked down to 50-75% and was buy one get one free.
  2. Does anyone know when/if Target will mark down the baby area again like they seemed to do in Feb?
  3. FYI...I went today and it was only an extra 30% off in Cincinnati
  4. maybe a stupid question...but can you self-install the remote starters or do they need to be professionally installed? I saw them last week, but they were only 50% off.
  5. How reasonable are their prices? I have never shopped there before, but need to pick up some items for an expecting family member.
  6. GB was pretty picked over where I went. But I was able to get a really good deal on a beautiful silk quilt/comforter. The price and tag was missing and the GB associate couldn't find the price. She told me that she knew that it was reg. like 179-199, but since she couldn't find the price she would mark it $99 for me. So I got it for $25. I was so happy. I also bought a buddha and a jewelry box, but the quilt was definitely my big deal.
  7. If there is anyone on the board from Cincinnati, OH, does the Target on Ridge have a lot of GB stuff?
  8. Just got back from target. I got some really cute slippers for 2.48, a dart board for 7.xx, a NCAA football game for ps2 for 7.xx and a lot of trouser socks at 75% off. Some pretty good deals.
  9. Had a pretty good day at target. Got a Scene It Jr. for 7.xx, a watch for 3.48, two tennis rackets 75% off at 4.xx, and a dinousaur toy for 1.xx. They had a lot of different things for 75% off, so I was pleased.
  10. I found some really good deals today at Target. I got a couple of belts for 3.xx a piece, a watch for 4.xx, and a couple of the bag sets for 3.xx. But I must say that the biggest deal was a Breadman panini maker for only 5 dollars marked down from 40. I would really like to find that roomba for 14 though.
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