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Everything posted by racerfan

  1. Waiting patiently.... ok not so patiently.
  2. I would love to find a deal on an embroidery machine. Preferable only for embroidery but those are $$$$. I guess the combo one would be good.
  3. Happy October!!! Now I am getting ready for ads.
  4. I love summer and the heat. Getting down thinking of the winter months to come..
  5. Our K-Mart is still going strong. We are in an area that it is a big store here. All we have is Kmart, Lowes, Home Depot and Walmart a couple of little stores 2 Dunkin Donuts, several auto stores, tire stores, cigarette shops about 6, and fireworks stores. Our K-Mart is actually clean, and has decent sales. The are quite busy
  6. I cannot believe it is SEPTEMBER!! My Daughter went back to school on Tuesday, this is her last year of college. :( My baby Stationchief are you getting everything ready? Let me know when you are setting up
  7. Checking in for August. Please slow down Summer. Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  8. I just got back from Belize. Making sure to check in before the summer crazies : Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  9. Yay!!! I leave Sunday. If I can, I will check in again while on Belize, otherwise wont be until July. Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  10. Congrats!! Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  11. Happy June. My Daughter and I leave for Belize a week from today. Will be back 6/29. She will be working on an independent study for school. I am support team. Lol Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  12. I am ok with either a different color or something on sleeve. My Daughter is finished with her school, summer has officially started. My Son (Sailor) is on deployment somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea I think. That is where he was going 4/27 when we last saw posts from ship. Who knows Well off to start Spring cleaning. Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  13. May is here. Got my mulch from Lowes and put down most of it today. Was a beautiful day. Temps will drop a little tomorrow and rain again Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  14. I am so ready for warm weather and sun. So tired of the rain, but happy it's no snow Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  15. Checking in for April. My Son was home on leave. He went back on Easter. His ship is going on Deployment. Hoping the months fly by Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  16. I am hoping also. Maybe they are waiting for all our snow to melt Sent from my SM-G965U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  17. I am here. Been a rough start to March. We have no power Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  18. Poor baby Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  19. Happy February!! Wow its going fast. Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  20. SC shhhhh Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  21. Wow they are closing the next closest one to ours. In another town like ours that has no stores. Kmart is a big store.
  22. Happy New Year everyone!!! Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app Am I the first to post for 1/18? Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  23. It is freezing here. I have no plans on going out for next few days. Binge watching movies is on the agenda. Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  24. Hate this cold. Supposed to get worse here tomorrow in PA... Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
  25. Merry Christmas everyone. We are in Virginia visiting our Sailor. He had 24 hour duty today, so we went to one oif his buddies homes and cooked dinner for them and 12 other Sailors. Sent from my SM-G955U using GottaDEAL mobile app
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