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About 3cuties4me

  • Birthday 06/10/1983
  1. That is a great deal! I'm going to order a set for my 5y/o son. I bought the pink set a few weeks ago for $30 for my 6y/o daughter (she is just now getting into legos). There is a smaller set at walmart, it is $20. This set is $30 at our walmart...
  2. Amazon's price is $139.49!
  3. I know, I was hoping it would go down some... well it did The other ones I need to get aren't a *huge* savings either (like $1 - $2 below amazon's price) so I'm waiting for now.
  4. I am looking to get the full series of Full House. Going by MSRP though it would be cheaper for me to buy it now at the 'everyday low price' of $95 instead of getting 40% off the MSRP of $165.
  5. I ordered 2 of the Santa Buddies movies from amazon (also $10) and when I checked out they took an additional $6 off... so I paid $14 total (I have a free trial of prime... and amazon doesn't charge me tax).
  6. Thank you! Ordered 2 of the Santa Buddies DVD's from amazon. Although, when I went to check out it took $6 off and my total was $14 for both of them!!
  7. When I click on the ad it says in stores online, not online
  8. I ordered 2 of these tables last week at this price and they came today :) My 'free' items should be here tomorrow!
  9. I placed an order on Sunday using this code... got my little pony ponyville, transformers, littlest pet shop, tooth tunes tooth brushes, lots of easy bake stuff... and the code worked on all of it. One item was marked down too.
  10. Thank you for posting that code! I LOVE it when they have a 30% off code. I got Christmas pajamas for my two older girls... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj76/lovemylifex4/2008%20Christmas/1ChristmasPajamas-1.jpghttp://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj76/lovemylifex4/2008%20Christmas/1ChristmasPajamas.jpg Got both older girls a necklace... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj76/lovemylifex4/2008%20Christmas/Necklace.jpg And got my almost 6 year old a new game (we have every ponyville set - so we "needed" this game... lol)... http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj76/lovemylifex4/2008%20Christmas/PonyvilleGame.jpg All for $60.xx shipped! YEAH! Thank you!!!
  11. Shipping kind of kills it... and I'm 2 hours from the closest TRU. UGH!
  12. Alexis (almost 6 by Christmas) * Dollhouse * Just Like You Doll & Gymnastics outfit * Bed & "Dresser" for doll * Easy Bake * Mio puppy Austin (almost 5 by Christmas) * Fisher Price Sports Station * Fisher Price Spike the Ultra Dinosaur * Lego's * Transformers Rylee (almost 3 by Christmas) * Ride on car * Baby Doll * Baby Highchair * Snap Style Dolls Our oldest is asking for the new Fisher Price Kid Tough DVD player too. But I know Austin and Rylee would also each want one so we bought each of them one (pink ones for the girls, blue for Austin)! They should be here this week! YAY!! McKenzee~Grace will be 5 months old at Christmas and I have a few toys picked out for her but I really don't know what to get her. Thinking of starting some sort of 'collection' but I'm not sure what yet. And I'm also thinking of getting her a bitty baby for her first baby doll and then for her 1st birthday I could add some furniture and outfits and more next Christmas! I just about have all the older kids lists figured out :) I can't wait for Christmas!!!!
  13. I pretty much do all of my shopping online after the kids are in bed :) I am a SAHM but I have 4 children ages 5 and under and anytime I go shopping they are all always with me... so I totally understand that. I LOVE shopping online though! LOL! After I get the kids to bed, finish up some laundry, spend some time with dh... I shop online... lol! In early December dh and I will plan a "date day" and leave the kids with my mom and dad and go finish up any shopping. But by then I usually have pretty much everything done. Last year I just had to pick up some stocking stuffers and finish up my sil's. We ended up going out to eat and to see a movie... lol!
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