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Posts posted by devilpup00

  1. Here in AR they have things shrink wrapped on pallets and you are not allowed to get them until an employee unwraps them at the specified time. They also have lines for the big items, like tvs and digital cameras. They distribute maps when you come in showing where everything is located. Your shopping experience may vary as to what kind of employees and other shoppers are around. Good luck
  2. Started @ Kmart at 6am and got a few things. Tday dinner at noon. Then we went to Toys R Us at 8pm. I was number 11 in line. After an hour the manager emptied out the cart bay and the first 50 of us got to wait inside in the warm. So that was nice since it got down to 26 last night. Everything was moved around inside the store and it was impossible to find most things. They handed out tickets for all the big and numbered items. Got my zhu zhu pet and was out by 1215. Then went over to Old Navy and sat in line until 3 am. Got my Rock Band game, a coat for the kid and 3 performance fleece sweaters. I went home and picked up my mil. We headed to Walmart. They had lines for most items. I was able to get my digital picture frames and the other few things I needed. As usual the cheap pajamas clogged up the store and It was ridiculous trying to get thru the area and I didn't bother getting any pjs for the kid.


    I was up for over 24 hrs straight. Had a good time, stuck to my list and can't wait for it next year!

  3. We bought the Acer One at Target this morning for $199.99 and Office Max has it in their BF ad for $149.99. So do I just bring the Office Max ad and my receipt on friday morning to Target for the price match?
  4. My outlook on the hours is this.. If they open at midnight on black Friday then surely their thanksgiving should be over by then. I work nights as a police dispatcher and I was lucky to have it off this year. Our family usually has celebrations around 3-4 that way we are done by the time I have to work. I don't complain as I know it is part of my job.

    So are they opening at midnight and staying open thru the whole day or will they close and reopen at 5am?

  5. The past two times I was at Target... Sunday and today I was able to find Halloween Disney princess dress up shoes. They were not marked at all and I was able to get them for 1.xx.

    Today they had a bunch of light bulbs on clearance. GE Reveal. I got a 4 pk 40 watt decorative lights (for Ceiling fans/chandeliers) orig 5.79 for 2.88. Also got GE Reveal 3 way 3pk orig 4.99 for 2.48. It was on an endcap with some clearanced auto air fresheners.

  6. I forgot about them coming out. My daughter had her very first dental appt and was freaked out. I thought we would swing by toys r us to pick up something to make her feel better. There was a big stack of them. We took one home with us, but she is afraid of it if its turned on. Oh well
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