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  1. Is it a bad sign my order is still processing? I turned down the ps4 at so many other places i will be upset...I checked out at like 12:05 this morning.
  2. Why when I add the coupon out only takes off 1% instead of 15?
  3. So I won't be able to get the ps4 or controller tonight? I've got a bunch of stuff in my basket just waiting for prices to change. I have to shop online this year because I just had shoulder surgery on Monday.Thanks
  4. Keeps coming up but won't load into my cart. Very frustrating!
  5. I purchased 2 and the NBA2K2016. The money for the basketball game has already been taken out of my account but not the money for the Kindles. Wonder why?
  6. Finally got mine to go through. But the one big thing I wanted, Disney Infinity 3.0, had sold out by the time it went through. So I went to Toys R Us. com and paid $2 extra and got it. Also wanted Chewbacca but it was sold out by the time I checked out. Going to bed. 6:00 is right around the corner.
  7. Just got one box but going to eat lunch before I open it.
  8. 15 of my 26 items have shipped. The rest are in fulfillment. So excited.
  9. Got my 26 items and used the weget20 and it worked!!!! Whooo Hooo!
  10. It's not NOV15????
  11. Does anyone know when the Kindle will go on sale? I need 2. I went to church. Hope I didn't miss it.
  12. It's the most wonderful time of the year! Black Friday and Christmas!
  13. I have one at home and one at school. I have the Christian one at home that has a lesson each day or Bible verse to go with it's mischief and at school I have one that hides all over my classroom. My kids at school swear they can see it moving...LOL! But anyway neither of mine are the official elf on the shelf doll. They are elves I found at Hobby Lobby. Much cheaper and cuter and bigger.
  14. Dishwasher (Already in Layaway) New Refrig (Not going to happen. LOL Maybe income tax) Camera, New bedspread for the new bedroom suit we're getting this week. Most of my wish list are for household things. I love getting what my kids want more than getting stuff for myself. But I really NEED a new camera as I am a scrapbooker.
  15. I went to the store and got 15 lotions and my daughter got 14. They said they weren't actually participating but if I showed them the ad they would honor it but please don't tell anyone else. So I only told ppl coming into the store as I was leaving. LOL Thanks Gottadeal!
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