My issue was macy's and the BOGOF bras. The signs in the stored said "BOGOF all (list of brands)" When I took my selection to the counter, they tried to tell me that mine wasn't included in the sale. The two I picked were part of the listed brands - So I told them that their sign DOES NOT say select styles, but rather ALL, and I had picked part of ALL.
I'm good for two of the SD cards - one in each of mine & DH's stocking, and a card reader too I guess.
I want a usb drive too - but just need a smaller one.
I've not been on BF, but I love their ad coupons. Usually a free/w x$ purchase and X$ off of $10.
They also have the perfume promotions free w/ purchases too.
I get a nice cash bonus at one of the company's five parties- right after eating a filet mignon with a glass of wine too.
I work for the best company - even if I do have to go to FIVE Christmas parties for them
Uh, on the Walmart pm issue - I wouldn't call a particular store - I'd call corporate office - early, like NOW, and ask if it is up to each store. I don't believe that it is. I'd then ask if they would kindly e-mail me the corporate policy on PMing so that I could print it to shove under a manager's nose if they aren't playing by the corporate rules. Just me!
Actual parties that I am required/requested to be at:
12/2 office luncheon for clients
12/11 Hubby's office party
12/11 Sunday school party
12/15 Office party for staff
12/17 Cub Scout Party
12/17 Office party for Management
12/18 Toys for Tots distribution (this is HARD work, but its a party!)
12/24 Church Service
12/25 In-Laws
1/2 - Family Dirty Santa game
That makes 10 - and a couple of Birthday parties fall in December too!
this year - for 9 and 6 yo boys
Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, hot wheels, DVD, activity books and pencils/crayons for the road trip to Grandma's, some candy, and a gift-card to QT for breakfast on way.