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Everything posted by citrixgirl

  1. It does exist .... My jcpenny had some left over ... Guess who now has one.... Yipppeeee... That is all I needed for Christmas....
  2. citrixgirl


    sorry if it has been asked ... will the trampoline be a hot item?
  3. test to see if i did it right
  4. Target had them last year all the way to the big big boys
  5. Who is doing it this year? Where are some creative places you put the little feller.
  6. Does anyone know if Barnes and nobles does anything ... I need a few elf on theshelf kits.
  7. The buy one get one free could be good I have a friend that's prego due in April.
  8. Yep waiting for home depot
  9. My toys r us did something similar to this last year they had carts lined so that no door rushing and a cop parked at door. Worked out well I thought.
  10. Thoughts on the acer for 498???
  11. On bf nope I don't think they would notice a kid running here or there
  12. I dont even go to Walmart but I love looking at the ads
  13. i wonder if it is 2 sepeerate programs we get our normal 5% in email then the other 5% by mail???
  14. spa treatment
  15. 1- Polar Express 2- Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
  16. I have a special needs child and just in his one class that is 8 people teachers aids therapist ...another mom and i are going in on it together and we are getting them spa gift certificates. however gym pr music art two secretaries principal vice princpal are not included in this ... also my son has a gen ed teacher.
  17. ordered two printers midnight bf and they showed up yesterday
  18. i ordered off there online for the discovery kids aquarium and have not received any info on my order... and they only charge my card a quarter of what the total was. finally got a hold of jcp costumer service after calling for 3 days and they said two of the items have been shipped from the manufacture and one we are still waiting on..... no tracking info available.... grr
  19. 1984 A Christmas Carol w/ George C. Scott Scrooge w/ Alastar Sim 3. The Santa Clause 4. Mickey’s Christmas Carol Holiday Inn 6. 1994 Miracle on 34th Street 7. Fred Clause vs Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas 9. Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas 10. Deck The Halls vs 11. Prancer 12. The Grinch 13. Santa Claus-The Movie 14. The Nightmare Before Christmas 15. Muppet Christmas Carol 16. White Christmas
  20. I went bf shopping on my own and made friends in line. as we were talking several of us found we had several items in common so we made a deal of who was going after what. I was sent for the hard drives... although a bunch of people were blocking the hard drives i did get one of the 2tb one instead of keeping it for myself I gave it to the women in line that let me use her umbrella.
  21. if u are only getting one game why not just refuse the bracelet that they give out to get the game. I would make sure to tell anyone that came that u r not getting the bracelet so that they know.
  22. do u have any of the ads that are missing and do u have a camara or scanner..lol
  23. on ANY ONE Toysrus item .... is the wording
  24. is that the blue ray version regular or both?
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