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About citrixgirl

  • Birthday 11/23/1980
  1. It does exist .... My jcpenny had some left over ... Guess who now has one.... Yipppeeee... That is all I needed for Christmas....
  2. citrixgirl


    sorry if it has been asked ... will the trampoline be a hot item?
  3. test to see if i did it right
  4. Target had them last year all the way to the big big boys
  5. Who is doing it this year? Where are some creative places you put the little feller.
  6. Does anyone know if Barnes and nobles does anything ... I need a few elf on theshelf kits.
  7. The buy one get one free could be good I have a friend that's prego due in April.
  8. Yep waiting for home depot
  9. My toys r us did something similar to this last year they had carts lined so that no door rushing and a cop parked at door. Worked out well I thought.
  10. Thoughts on the acer for 498???
  11. On bf nope I don't think they would notice a kid running here or there
  12. I dont even go to Walmart but I love looking at the ads
  13. i wonder if it is 2 sepeerate programs we get our normal 5% in email then the other 5% by mail???
  14. spa treatment
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