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  1. Free is hard to beat. Those pillows are actually pretty good. I got the Panini maker last year for $7.99 after $12 rebate and still works great. (Same deal this year)
  2. Their items should be available online. You shouldn't have to miss out. I just wish they'd post the ad already.
  3. Where is the ad? It leaked 10/30 last year.....I know that they aren't that good at keeping secrets. Anyone?
  4. Macy's, Best Buy and Target.
  5. Classic Walmart, I'm sorry that you had to endure Walmart's customer service. I keep my expectations really low when it comes to them, and I try to avoid shopping with them altogether. I hope you find your Hatchimal(:
  6. Or it's finally your turn and the register freezes confusing the cashier who eventually, reluctantly powers it down so you can wait 10 minutes for it to reboot. That's what happened to me last year, they'd have to have something really good for me to even think about going there again this year.
  7. I think the Nintendo Switch looks cool. We are going to Florida for Spring break and I would love to have one of these for the plane ride. Hmmm, I think I've decided to pre -order as soon as they come available.
  8. Ha, the employees actually kept their secret. They've known for at least a month that they're opening at 5:00pm. I wonder if they will be able to keep their ad a secret longer this year? October 30 was a bit early last year.
  9. Based on everyone else releasing early, Walmart is late to the party. It would take something really spectacular to make me care about their ad at this point. Last year was 11/12.
  10. Depending on where they work and if they've been there 6 months or more stores are paying holiday pay plus time and a half for those who volunteer to work on Thanksgiving. Those who don't volunteer still get holiday pay as long as they satisfy the normal requirements for holiday pay. It's not that big of a deal. Those who are doing a turn and burn with only 6 hours between shifts, that isn't legal in Oregon.
  11. Yes, this on page 2.
  12. Macy's 6:00pm Thursday November 26th
  13. Macy's! No doubt they will have those $39 cashmere sweaters.
  14. Update: I did go pick up my other order, it was for my grandson so I couldn't just be stubborn. On my way to in store pick up I looked through the skylanders and found the xbox 360 trap starter set that they cancelled on me because they could not locate it. I did buy it, and now have to return my toys r us order when it comes because apparently their online orders can only be cancelled within 45 minutes of placing the order.
  15. I worked for them holiday season a couple of years ago and the employees did NOT support the protesters and there was NO strike. I was at the biggest performing store in my area- they did One million dollars on the day of their grand reopening after adding grocery. People try to start the same BS each year, and from talking with the regular employees they do NOT support the strike and they are happy. There was a demonstration outside on Thanksgiving/Blackfriday in the parking lot that year, but it was something I read about in the news, there was barely a mention of it from customers and it had zero effect on sales.
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