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  1. AMEN!!!! Was not happy when I heard stores were opening on Thanksgiving! That's family day for us!!!
  2. What password??
  3. I would get 2 if I could get that deal, awesom!!
  4. So I was looking at getting a tablet for my 8 and 6 year olds. Any ideas? Walmart has a velocity for $99 right now or is there a better deal or going to be a better deal coming on BF? Needing games for them and maybe a movie or 2. They have iPod touches, but hate having them stare at that small screen. Also, I'm wanting a tablet for me but can't decide if I should go ahead and get my ipad2 or look at a kindle Fire for now. Any ideas or opinions? I will say, I'm out of the loop usually, lol. I usually just get my apple products!
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