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About justjessie99

  • Birthday March 6
  1. Hi... I'm Jessica, from Elgin IL. I've been Black Friday-ing ever since I was little. I remember with my mom and rushing to the toy isle and getting Castle Gray Skul for my little brother back in the 80's.... LOL I was about 12yr at the time.. LOL good times!! I started hard core shopping with my DH when my oldest was born in 1995. I've been on Gottadeal since 2006! Everyone is so nice and I love it! This year DH can't get off work (works overnight), he has had it always had it off in the past. oh well. So this year, we will be heading out when he gets home!
  2. So I work next to a Best Buy and there were 3 people with tents at 9am THIS am?? Really?? I have worked next to the Best Buy for 5yrs and this is the FIRST time I saw people camping.
  3. Shopping bags... great idea!!! HECK SHOPPING IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT!!!!!!! I also like car magnets!!
  4. The only place I've seen the Expression on sale is Joann's on BF.....it will be $249... I have the baby bug.. I love mine especially when I take it with me to crops.... It's so much easier now with the Gypsy:)!!
  5. We have ALL the GHs for the Wii.... we liked that series... HOWEVER, we really like my brother's Rockband, and the downloadable songs, and now with the Beatles it's a no brainer. So I know we will be dorks with two band kits... oh well.. So I've seen the Rockband2 band kit for $99.... then we were going to buy the Beatles game for $59. what if any, better deals out there for Rockband2 on the xbox360???
  6. $119 is the only price I've seen it for.. the store have it for that price(tuesday).... I haven't seen it listed for bf.
  7. Their prices in general are very good... DC shoes for around $24!!! Everywhere else they run an easy $50 and up!!!
  8. It was always the local dollar store, for years..... then it became FAMILY DOLLAR... sorry, I forgot to add "family"..lol:rolleyes:....lol I still refer to it as the dollar store.....Anyways it was still a cheap, crap, inflatable...LOL
  9. The $5 ones are only 4 feet? those are way to small, for us. The dollar store had the 4ft ones there for $5 also. we opned them up at the store and found out that they were crap and cheaply made. The seams were sewn together all "off" and were SUPER thin material....not like the nice big ones. .... just a heads up.
  10. Yes it was for the Expression...... I don't think anyone would buy the Baby Cricut for that price:confused:. The Baby one like a previous poster said you can pick up for $99. I thought about getting the Expression or Create......but I'm holding off, I'm having too much fun collecting all the carts:o.... by the time I'm done with that.. I'm sure there will be even a newer one:rolleyes:...LOL LOL
  11. Mine are mailed out already...LOL people starting get them on Sat I heard. :DHouse is completely decorated in side and out, and 98% of the shopping done..actually all the wrapping is done too.... wanted to get all the stuff done since I work full time now, and my time is limited. Now we have the time to do the fun activites if we want like; cookies, candies, christmas movies, and misc crafts.
  12. so how much are they?
  13. HA HA HA ... we have no stores in a 100 miles area...LOL Oh well!
  14. that stinks... My boys want this, but for the Wii...waiting to find it cheap UGH! No such luck. Anyone else?
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