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  1. The popcorn combo discussion is cracking me up. They also have a pretzel/drink combo. My 2 1/2 year old is so spoiled. He gets stuffed when we shop at Target.
  2. For Kirklands and other B & M stores, always check here before shopping! http://www.wow-coupons.com/all-printable-retail-coupons.php
  3. You are welcome. I never go Bricks and Mortar shopping without first checking this site.
  4. Gosh, that's funny. Mine had a lot of boys stuff for $4.99 as well, but I was so excited for the girls' $2.99 stuff that I didn't do too much looking. Our outlet is HUGE. They just put in a new one, and it's probably 10 times the size of the old one.
  5. If anyone lives near a CP outlet, they have awesome deals going on right now. Half of the big girl's dept. is $2.99. They just put out some 2 pc bathing suits at $.99 - with tons of sizes. Their shoes were picked over, but tons of fall stuff at $2.99.
  6. fyi....the coupon always seems to work at WOW coupon site. http://www.wow-coupons.com/all-printable-retail-coupons.php
  7. Added one in other thread too http://www.childrensplace.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/EmailJump?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10001&jumpId=SeptBCCa&age=8&CodeId=CLUBEJSNZ697&cm_ven=Emails&cm_cat=083107&cm_pla=SeptBirthdayClub&cm_ite=CouponT
  8. Coupon for September. http://www.childrensplace.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/EmailJump?storeId=10001&langId=-1&catalogId=10001&jumpId=SeptBCCa&age=8&CodeId=CLUBEJSNZ697&cm_ven=Emails&cm_cat=083107&cm_pla=SeptBirthdayClub&cm_ite=CouponT
  9. I live close to 3 Targets. Two of them have absolutely nothing I want, but the 3rd one has like 2 aisles of stuff, including the train tables which are currently at 50% off, waiting and hoping they go to 75% off next week and I can snag one for $20. So it can really vary depending on individual stores.
  10. I'm pretty sure these are not supposed to ever be put on the shelves as they are the ones that are sold in the food area. (10 packs are to go to the food area and are sold for $.69 each juice box.....15 packs are to go on the shelves). I'm so surprised Corp. hasn't figured it out and put the kabosh on it. One of the Targets I go to has NEVER had them, and one of them had them one time. I think it's a stocking error. Maybe we should stop talking about it before they figure it out. ;o)
  11. Judy Moody or Amber Brown series comes to mind.
  12. Men's and Kid Girls golf clubs 50% off at my Target. Reg. $199.99 and $59.99.
  13. The 10 pack of MM juice was reg. price at Target last night.
  14. I bought an extra one for potential birthday gifts. Wish you lived near me. The age on it says for 1st and 2nd grade, so your 9 year old might be bored. I turned it on and wondered if my 7 1/2 year old would be too bored with it by next Christmas.
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