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Everything posted by Jeff428

  1. On this site, the link to the Western Digital 250 GB harddrive @ Best Buy was to the essential edition and not the premium edition. The ad and sale was for the one with the green light, the one linked from this site to Best Buy in the other forum was to the Blue one (premium). I saw tons of people in my Best Buy who picked up the Blue one instead of Green, sucks for them when they got rung up and got charged an extra $90 for the Premium Edition.
  2. Since I'm a highschool student, how should I go about filling in the business stuff and questions like "How many employees do you have in your business"?
  3. When I click it, I get this: This program cannot display the webpage Most likely causes: You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address. --- For some reason, most gottadeal pages I visit dont' work. The first forum account I made couldn't connec to the forum either. So I made this one.
  4. BTW, their livechat feature only works for Support After You Buy. http://welcome.hp.com/country/us/en/contact_us.html Interact online with HP U.S. online options for: » Chat with an online support technician after you buy » Submit & Manage a support case (for customers with an HP service agreement) » Submit & Manage a support case (for business customers with a valid warranty) ---- Ok I phoned them in again, this nice lady tried to find out why the coupon didn't work and it only worked for the first 600 people.
  5. Someone tell me why that link doesn't work? I'd like to know the list of DVDs.
  6. I called them TWICE yesterday. The first time they said its' because they don't combine offers like that (and I'm thinking wtf all customizeable laptops have at least 1 promotion attached to it). Then they said it was only the first 600 people.
  7. Grr I don't understand this. All of HP's Customizeable laptops have Instant Savings or some type of Rebate or Free Upgrade Promotion. Yet the $200 coupon I used didn't work. What gives?
  8. Crap. I tried to use the $200 off coupon and my total was about $1,254. When I added it to shopping cart the coupon on the order worked, but then when I submitted my order the coupon didn't work for some reason. I went to the coupon FAQ page and found this. Important Restrictions: * For HP Home & Home Office Store online and phone order purchases. * Must be redeemed at the time of order. * Valid between start and end dates as posted on the coupon. * Limited to one usage per customer. One coupon per product. * Not transferable. * May require a minimum purchase as designated in the individual coupon details. * Not valid in retail stores. * May or may not be valid with other discounts, bundles, promotions, or discount purchase programs. * May or may not be valid on customized desktop/notebook PC orders. * May or may not be valid on desktop/notebooks PCs with Celeron or AMD Sempron processors or PC series as designated in coupon details. * May or may not be valid with refurbished products. * May or may not be limited to a set quantity of purchases, i.e., limited to the first 250 units sold. * Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law. * Valid until supplies last. * Not redeemable for cash. * Not valid retroactively for previously purchased products. * Not valid on auction products. * Subject to program and pricing changes without notice. * Not valid for any resale activity as defined by the HP Home & Home Office Store.I should've read the coupon FAQ before I did it. The $100 instant and $50 rebate drop it to about $1,154, but that's an extra $100+ I didn't want to spend because I thought the $200 coupon would work. I don't think there's anyway to change my order. ---- I'm furious. When I added the coupon when processing the order it showed that it deducted the price. Then when submitted the order and it completed, the coupon was taken off of the price. They didn't warn me that the coupon wasn't eligible, and going by this: " May or may not be valid with other discounts, bundles, promotions, or discount purchase programs." they don't specify that good enough. They won't let me change my order so I can drop the price.
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