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Posts posted by happygal

  1. Yup, I got cancelled today too...and it was the perfect gift for my sister in law. grrrr. not to mention I am still dealing with the coat I ordered (that was listed under women's coats but was really a man's coat) and trying to return that...
  2. When you have the three codes you should enter:






    That will take 25% off one item, $20 off your total and zero out the scarf giving it to you for free. You'll then get another box that opens up where you have to enter the user specific code for the $20 off.


    hope that helps.


    I need some help figuring out how to do this. I have these items in my cart listed below. the scarf is supposed to be free with the sweater purchase, but does show a $28 price. I have the $20 email and have to enter the code for that along with the provided certificate number. I don't know where to add the certificate number. Also, can I use with that code, the GET30 code and the GET25 with it? Or the SCENT08? what does that Scent08 give you? I am so confused. I want to be able to get the best deal here if I can. Thanks for anyone who can help me get this deal to work.




    Cotton rib v-neck sweater




    Mock turtleneck




    Cotton rib scarf

    pink mouline (32R)




    Cotton rib snap-henley sweater

    royal teal heather (47R)

  3. my email for the take $20 off says I have to enter the certificate number also. Does anyone know where that number get entered?


    Yes, when you enter your codes you do the one that was get20 or whatever it was first. that opens up another 2 boxes where you enter the individual code.

  4. wow thats great earnings... how do you become a mystery shopper?

    I can't say for sure how this poster did it...but you just search out mystery company sites that are hiring in your area. volition has a great list of legit sites, that was where I started out. I don't do a ton of mystery shopping anymore, tend to focus more on my surveys as well as those are bringing me in about $500 a month as well.

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