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Posts posted by hoopysgirl

  1. At my walmart each item will *hot* item will have its own line and each person will be allowed one ticket for that item. After you have physically gotten that item, you will then be allowed to go to another line and hopefully be lucky enough to get a ticket for a different item. My store manager says "if a customer wants two or three hot items than they better bring friends". They will not let you back in line for a second same item right away, they were telling us to tell the customers they can come back in a couple hours if they want a second same item. I live in a fairly small town and we have never had anything close to people fighting, just crowds, but this is how its being done here...
  2. Wow, our store policy is 3 no-receipt returns in 6 months. And we are supposed to do each item seperately (that usually goes by the wayside after the holidays) but, if the items look all the same type, like a camera, sd card and camera case those we will do as one transaction. If you had like knives, a book and vitamins we are supposed to return them seperately.


    For the camera, we would return it at our store still, we might keep the box off the new camera though and the instruction manual from the new one if you didn't have that as well.

  3. My electronics manager told me they are putting out Wall-E for 9 bucks on blitz also - I was excited to hear that! Don't know if its an every store or not thing but ours is. He also told me that Wal-Mart plans to undercut any other ad out there, we'll see! Oh, on the price adjust thing, my store will not price adjust during blitz, it has to be bought during those hours only. Pretty sure every store makes up their own rules about that though...
  4. I guess it depends on what you are looking for, I am not overly impressed with the ads, but I wasn't planning on spending much money either. There are some deals on movies and cd's, some mp3's and some other smaller things that will come in handy here for us. Oh and tools, there were some deals on those as well. I will be going out!
  5. I saw a commercial about this on tv this morning. Wasn't paying a whole lot of attention as I was on this site reading up on some deals, lol. Heard about doorbusters Sat. morning (thought they might of also said Friday- but wasn't really listening too well). Went to the website and saw nothing. Haven't heard or seen anything else since. But, since I saw an ad down here (we have no TRU here) it must be getting advertised.
  6. I see that Kohls has a Euro-Pro on sale on BF as well, seems to be a simple starter machine as well. Can anyone here give advice as to going with the Brother or the EuroPro?? Thanks for all the help!!
  7. So, I am hoping to get a sewing machine for Christmas from my hubby for Christmas, I even dropped the not-so subtle hint that Wal-Mart had one on BF. But, I know absolutely nothing about them and just want one for odd around the house jobs. Will this hold up for that? Tried looking for reviews on this machine but had no luck finding anything. Hoping someone out there has some info for me that I can pass along to my husband, in another not so subtle way :D
  8. They have BF, I can't remember the deals from last year. My dad is a huge hunter and fisherman and he couldn't wait to go there! Sorry I don't have more info for you - I just know they do BF!!
  9. Last year Shopko was my first stop for the portable DVD player, got a few more items and was checking out while people were still filing in the door. Was able to go get ready and wait for Sears. Won't happen this year now that they all seem to be opening at the same time but, I still can't wait to see the Shopko ad - still holding out hope for some more good deals.


    Peachysquirt - Are you from Mankato? I live in Albert Lea!

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