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  1. I just bought an lg compactor from best buy....love it!
  2. It may depend on the amounts you used and the exact recipe. Here are some different recipes from Alton Brown...he had an entire show of good eats telling which ingredients helped do what but unfortunately I cannot find a link to it at all. But the puffy cookie is as follows: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/the-puffy-recipe/index.html This is the chewy one: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/the-chewy-recipe/index.html And the thin one: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/the-thin-recipe/index.html I always use real butter and sometimes I melt it first, other times I cream it from a softened form. That does effect the cookies texture.
  3. This surprises me. We have a ton of their socks and my dd never had an issue. I have quite a few pairs too and only had a small issue with one 3pk...it was a bit smaller than the other 3 pks. Otherwise I thought they were a good quality. I still have my pairs and my dd still has quite a few of hers. We have gloves and slippers too...all have lasted really well.
  4. not sure what you think when you say decent sale or decent colors but 6pm.com has them also: http://www.6pm.com/dansko-womens-shoes~1
  5. If you do use the almond bark, make sure you have vegetable shortening on hand like Crisco. I usually melt white chocolate or chocolate that I get packaged in grocery stores this time of the year. I think it melts better. But a few weeks ago, I used white almond bark and it got odd quickly. I googled and found out I could have thinned it a bit with vegetable shortening. It would have made it smoother. One other easy thing you can make with almond bark are cake balls. You make sheet cakes and then add a can of frosting. Mold into balls, refrigerate or freeze and then dip into melted chocolate. They take a bit of time because you have to make a cake and let it cool and then mix in the frosting and roll into bowls and then frig or freeze AND THEN dip but are really easy. And you can make any kind of cake with any kind of frosting.
  6. I have a runner from there also in a mid brown. I know for a while all they had was a sort of pink for rugs...since I didn't need one, we just waited. But I know the last time I was in ours, the selection was pretty good. Hopefully yours will have what you are looking for.
  7. Check Menards. They have some rolled up that are bound, typically in solid colors for a really good price. I just got a chocolate brown one that is about 5x8 or so and was less than 20. I have also found good deals at Pier 1 for clearance rugs.
  8. Target has a large selection of frames...I just found a large one with multiple levels in it so the result is 3D ish...
  9. My dh picked up a set from a acquaintance that was getting a nicer set and wanted to unload his old set. It is a great way to get a nice set at a cheaper price. I personally think that if he is used to golfing with Callaways now, he will not be happy with a cheaper set. Check a golf shop for used sets or pawn shop..or even golf shops may direct you to someone who wants to unload a nice set because they got a new set.
  10. I have a couple of those..they come in different sizes and a bit different shapes, depending on your needs... http://www.target.com/s/192-3786333-9672666?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias=tgt-index&keywords=glass%20jar&ref=sr_bx_1_1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchPage=1
  11. No, you keep your original radio.
  12. XM/Sirius is satellite radio. You buy a radio that you add into your vehicle. In some vehicles, it comes as an extra. XM had a deal for quite a while, periodically, where if you signed up for the service for x amount of time, you got a free radio, base level of course. Satellite radio is great if you travel or spend any time in your vehicle or in your house for that matter. I loved it when I traveled state wide. No more searching for stations because I could pick up my favs wherever I was. We recently dumped it cuz we disliked the billing immensely. We had more than one issue with them and dealt with it when we wanted the radio. But now that I no longer travel, we dumped it. And as we were dumping it, of course we are dealing with billing issues again.
  13. It would depend on what you had as extras. We have had xm for years..just canceled and we paid about 150 for 2 radios for a year. We had nothing but the basic.
  14. They didn't call it global last year if I remember correctly..it had some other name. And perhaps they are doing it later to further change that name and perception. But yes, I remember it being now also.
  15. You can buy the new one and then return one with the old receipt. But no, they will not adjust if I remember correctly.
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