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Everything posted by websoccermom

  1. I did call this morning and they adjusted my cc for the shipping of the first order. They also credited my card for the second order since it was shipped out only four days after the first. I will have enough coffee for a while. It is pretty good coffee, not the best I have had, but much better than grocery store brands.
  2. I tried out this deal, but my card was charged 40.xx for the "deal" and then 4 days later they shipped me another batch for 36.00. 76.00 for 8 bags of coffee within a two week period. This sucks.
  3. I just checked at my University (Pitt) and students do receive free copies of Office (as well as many others). It pays to check first.
  4. You should be able to save your document as a lower version for distribution to others or for those who want to open a a document prepared on 2007 on a lower version you can get a converter from microsoft to open them. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941b3470-3ae9-4aee-8f43-c6bb74cd1466&displaylang=en
  5. Thanks, I picked one up for myself....
  6. Thanks, I just through away my old handmixer and realized what a pain it is to drag down my stand mixer for smaller stuff. This will come in handy.
  7. Didn't get mine yet either.
  8. Thanks, I just ordered the burr grinder...
  9. I went to the store today to purchase this and I didn't get one of the easy rebate slips. When the clerk checked he told me there is and never was a rebate for this. I told him there was as when I looked at yesterday. I hate when clerks make you feel like an idiot. I returned it right away. The rebate that is listed in the system now ends yesterday.
  10. I have had a 6110 for my office for a few years and love it so I assume this will be a good model too.
  11. My mom works at Sears and she also says it is the 12th. We go every year and stock up.
  12. I found a Kitchen Aid Classic 3 speed blender regularly 69.99 on clearance for 17.48. It didn't have a box so I assume it was a display model. I needed a blender so this was a great deal for me. It was with the Rival Ice Cream makers (in box were 12.00 but there was also one without the box for 6.98. I am glad I didn't break down and buy one of those too, sounds like they are not worth it.
  13. I love the hoodies there. Looks like I am going shopping today.
  14. I ordered a set yesterday and got a email that they are out on backorder...
  15. Thanks, I just bought one for my step father.
  16. I bought each of my daughters a pain of Kangaroos for 28.00. Thanks
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