My very first Black Friday was in 1992. My aunt had asked at dinner if anyone was going shopping the next morning she said she needed someone to help her get the stuff that she wanted, I thought it sounded fun so I agreed to go. I was so unprepared for the next morning first I had to get up way too early in the morning, then we went to a Walmart that was not a 24 hour store so I had to wait for an hour out in the freezing cold and then I couldnt believe the rush for the doors when they opened! My aunt told me to run and get the stuff she wanted so I was running around trying to find everything, I couldnt believe how ruthless the people were! I was just a young teenager trying to help out her aunt and on that day I could not believe the beating I got from all the elderly ladies! I have went out for Black Friday every year since and I even take my nieces & nephews to show them the craziness. There is nothing like the rush you get from grabbing the hot toy of the year or scoring a great deal on something that wasnt advertised. I am a total addict now I love it I will even go just to get stuff for other people and now I am one of the old ladies that won't let any of the young punks get my stuff!