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  1. wow thank you, i emailed!
  2. Scored on this too. Sticker on my items added up to $530.00, walked out for $110! Love that! Got shorts and shirts for $1.50 a piece.
  3. Snooped around in the regular section and found turtlenecks in the shirt section for $0.97!!!!! 12months - 5T Got 6 shirts for DS 2 shirts for my nephew and 2 shirts for DH paid $24! Not sure if it is at all stores or regional
  4. I read it different.... Aren't current customers eligible for new deposits as well? The print I read is that they will look at all your balances within the time, in and out of all accounts and only give you the higher rate for the amount that is above your current totals....which means that if you recently switched you might not get the new rate unless you put in more than you took out to begin with.....not sure...thats how I understood it???
  5. thanks, witha 6 month old this will come in handy
  6. cant beat 12-18 month onesies for 1.97!
  7. Thank you all for the advice....I will look into them all I am looking for a book I know little about....a friend mentioned it. It is a baby book that gives you place to take them from 0- toodler, think it is called something like Baby's Day Out in Southern California. I will see if I am successful! Thank you all..
  8. Other than Overstock and Amazon.....any other good online sources for books?
  9. Agh, Thank you, I didn't check my messages until SUNDAY because we were at families for the holiday! That would have been awesome! I will keep on the prowl!
  10. No particular brand or model. We just want something smaller/lighter for the bedroom I will look into those...costco has one for 379 also I just found
  11. That is actually not the correct site posted. There is a separate site for the new branch of home sales. The stores and the home branch do not offer all the same deals. They are the same products. Sorry if you were misdirected by the previous poster, she was trying to help, but it is different.
  12. The Body Shop AT HOME is opening its sales to the field. They offer different specials I can not post the thread on here because I am new, but if you want to email me at [email protected] I will send you the link. Buy 1 Get 1 Free on All Body Scrubs While supplies last or until 12/24/2005. Gift With Purchase Between December 14th and 24th spend $55 or more and get a Papaya, Mango Full Size and 3 Mini Coconut Body Scrubs Free! A $54.50 Value! I did my Christmas gifts from here for the office. Great to pair up with a candle or something.
  13. Hello, Anyone hear or know about any deals on a LCD TV in the 20 inch range? Thank you
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