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  1. BB is so great that they'll charge you a 15% restocking fee
  2. Only way the price might drop is when nintendo Wii comes out. And thats a maybe.
  3. wow hot deal, adding another 512mb or ram or 1gig will make it awesome or upgrading the harddrive too. Not bad.
  4. buy millions and ebay them for more =D
  5. did target own meryvns till they sold it or split off?
  6. yea everything is 60% right now at my RM, but all the good stuff is gone.........
  7. if you guys can give me a specific date, so i can go in and buy some dress shirts and pants and new pair of dress shoes.
  8. whens the best week or days to go back for the really lowest prices?
  9. all of the clearance items I cannot add since there all out or there some kind of error. error:The quantity you selected for the following item(s): 46 Athletic Hoodie exceeds the number of items that we have available for shipment. We have adjusted the quantity to reflect the number we have available. Please click Proceed to Checkout to continue. edit: ok now I figured out that clearence items wont work for the free shipping or 15% off coupon code. Which sucks.
  10. rebates are a scam and is evil!
  11. can someone post some links of what to get for a wife or a gf. I don't know what to get. I dont want to offend the gal im trying to buy a v-day gift for. My budget is $20-$50 shipped.
  12. doesn't it take 6-8weeks for the rebates to process? If you sent them in Oct and its Feb of 06, did you photo copy all your papers? Did you record the conversations? Thats why I don't do rebates very tricky, its just a scam to get you to buy the product, why cant they just do a instant savings instead of MIR.
  13. thanks for all the help, im going with a mp3 player, and a giftcard at a spa.
  14. she works, and shes kinda sporty since she likes to go for walks or jogs on the treadmill, she loves coffee, she dosnt like candy, thats all i guess, since she works and cleans the house and i barely have time to spend with her, im just trying to do something special for xmas for her this year since it got me thinking that she did everything for me why not do something for her for xmas and through out the whole year.
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