If you think about it, what with all the high gas prices, Katrina, Rita...
my impression is there won't be much to wait in 5 degree weather for at
midnight or earlier the previous day!
But, if i has to guess what might be 'hot' are things that have had lackluster demand sofar this year, like computer and other flash memory. Cd's/Dvd's (a fixed price for certain quantity... or get something free for buying them)
The one thing you WON"T see is alot of those FREE AFTER REBATE DEALS this year.. companies have been screwed (as have we) by the oil companies... and wait, they just got another Christmas bonus, of new tax incentives to build oil refineries...
Lets' see, what else might be dirt cheap... fuby, (gotta love walmart with those cheap toys) computer networking is poised to be hot sellers, playstation 2, xbox / xbox 360 bundles for a sweet deal (maybe $50+ discount or so... or alot of goodies thrown in)
Seriously, I hope if its bitter cold this time, ALOT of people just stay home this time around and BOYCOT buyind ANYTHING this season to teach the stores (and in due course, the OIL COMPANIES) a lesson in supply/demand.
If the product sits on the shelf too long, it spoils, just like lettuce on the shipping dock! Kind of like after 9/11/2001, nobody bought a thing, just stayed inside watching tv, YES...that kind of boycott
Even sony said they're gonna wait to cut any prices this season!
Ha! Despite hype from sites like this (which btw, do a GREAT job at getting the inside scoop of the best stuff available) the downside is it makes things just that more competitive.. but my guess is it will backfire bigtime...
More people are buying early and online, not waisting their time, too.
I saw a handful of deals that were better around NOW and not black-friday... the prices WENT UP but it made things look like a good deal.. don't be fooled.