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Everything posted by smmellott

  1. I hate to admit it, being grandmother old but I want the oculus quest for myself! And I am looking for any black Friday sales. I don't know if they will have them but I sure hope so. I'm having a hard time justifying it but I am jonesingfor it.
  2. I look forward to when the black friday sale ads come out and I can plan my BF day! And I look forward to implementing my plan on BF.
  3. We want a 27-32" LCD TV for mom, a very big HD LCD TV for us, an inexpensive laptop for mom and I really hope there is a verizon 7" tablet/smartphone out by then for me!
  4. can you believe the deals on nice front load HE washer/dryers?! Thank goodness my washer decided to go out now. I have always wanted these but they've historically been very expensive and much more than front loaders.
  5. Wow, what a deal you got!!! Way to go!
  6. I got the Samsung over the others because with all the reviews I read on various sites about the different machines, the Samsung reviews were always a lot higher and more customer satisfaction. I am sure they are all good but when the reviews are so good (and higher) on a set (especially at $100 cheaper) I figured they would be the best choice for me. Rightly or wrongly, people love them and that works for me!
  7. Great! I get mine delivered on Monday - I waited until after the weekend because we want to redo the floor before we put the new washer and dryer in the laundry room. I am not getting the pedestals. I just can't see spending that much money on them when I really don't need them. I know they make it so you don't have to bend down quite so far to load/unload but for what they cost, I'll do a little bending! :) Susie
  8. I've never dealt with Sears or anyone with price matching but the only thing I believe I've heard is that for a lot of the stores who advertise this it is 10% of the difference in prices, not of the price. So if there was $100 difference you'd get an additional $10. And for the other comments - I didn't even look really much at the HD maytag and LGs. I'm not sure why now, I believe I'd heard some negative comments about LG. And I hadn't really expected to be able to get all these sets at BF prices now! But I am sure I'll be really happy with the Samsung! I have an old, mismatched top load that limps along so any of these will be 100 times better!
  9. I just got the Samsung HE front-load washer/dryer set for $898 at Lowe's. They were in their weekly ads that just came out today and I called and ordered them and didn't even have to leave the house. And they are $100 more expensive at Sears on BF (when I was actually planning to get them). I looked up lowes.com and looked at their weekly ads (after someone so kindly told me about it in this forum) and there they were. You might look and see if they have other appliances at good/BF prices. It is certainly a lot easier if you don't have fight the BF battle.
  10. Do people usually get the extended store warranty for their appliances? Lowe's said it was $159 for both for 5 years, 100% covered and serviced by the local Lowe's, not Samsung. That sounded good to me since I've read about people needing service on occasion but I didn't know. I usually don't buy an extended warranty, but I usually buy electronics that in a couple of years are out of date and can be gotten cheaper anyway.
  11. Oh I just remembered a question I had. Do people usually get the extended store warranty for their appliances? Lowe's said it was $159 for both for 5 years, 100% covered and serviced by the local Lowe's, not Samsung. That sounded good to me since I've read about people needing service on occasion but I didn't know. I usually don't buy an extended warranty, but I usually buy electronics that in a couple of years are out of date and can be gotten cheaper anyway.
  12. Doesn't Whirlpool make the Kenmores? The sales guy was pushing them as being made in the US. The Sears salesman (the only one on the floor), once he found out I wasn't looking to buy today, blew me off totally and wouldn't answer any questions about Black Friday or anything. He also told me the HE3t absolutely didn't have steam and he'd sold hundreds of them. So when I set him straight he got a little nicer and said that last year he arrived to work at 3am and there were about 2000 people waiting. He said that people line up and they have an employee who asks what you want and then they give you a ticket for it and I believe when they run out of tickets for a particular item, that is all there is. I got the feeling it was before they opened that they did this. Sounds like a better plan at least then everyone rushing the departments. I sure am glad I got my Samsung set today though! $100 cheaper, next day delivery and I did it all over the phone.
  13. According to Lowe's here, the samsung washer is 4.0 cu ft. I specifically asked when I bought them today and they said 4.0 cu ft. As I understood, there were no diffs btw the 209 and 219
  14. dirtmcgirt79, thank you so much!!! I didn't know that but I called my Lowe's and they had them and I ordered right over the phone and got free delivery and haul away our old ones too! And next day delivery! And the Sears BF was 999.98 so it was 100 dollars cheaper. Now I don't have to buck the BF crowds. Also, I went to Sears this morning to look at both and the salesguy swore the kenmore HE3t didn't have steam, never did, doesn't now and that you have to get HE5t for steam. I showed him on line sears that it said steam (although they had another Elite HE3t washer that looked the same without steam) and he got the BF brochure and it said steam and he realized that it was a different model HE3t than they had on the floor which was the older model. To say he was surprised (and chagrined) is an understatement. I wonder how many people he told it definitely didn't have steam?
  15. I read about these and decided to possibly get them like 1 day after the BB coupons ended and I had them too If I would have figured it out just a little sooner I would have gotten them and skipped the whole BF mad house. Oh well!
  16. Is the steam feature that is supposed to sanitize dry cleanable items on the washer or the dryer (or do you need both)? Several Black Friday deals on sets have steam washer but not steam dryer. I am leaning towards the Samsung set on Black Friday but the kemore he3t set is the same price with steam washer. I have curtains that need freshening and de-wrinkling but they are dry clean only and last set I took in cost about 60 dollars to dry clean. If the HE3t washer does that, it might save me money. That would be the only reason I would look at the HE3T first, do you think it would make a difference for me in this situation?
  17. Thanks for the info about the Samsung, I am leaning heavily towards them I think (have to get the OK from my husband to spend that much instead of the cheaper Kenmore). I can't tell on these, do you know if either/both are steam also? You said to get in line, did you mean like get there a lot earlier than they open? Every time I've tried that (at least at Walmart) I could never get what I wanted, it seemed like it wasn't worth even trying. I really like everything I've heard about the Samsungs. Susie
  18. The he3t kenmore and Maytag looks good but I wonder if getting a washer with the steam feature that costs more is worth it. As nearly as I can tell, it basically is just supposed to get clothes a little cleaner and more sanitary but the others are supposed to work very well too, without the steam. And I don't think any of them come with a steam feature on the dryer, which I have heard is good for freshening and de-wrinkling dry-clean only items, which actually does seem like a worthwhile feature, to me (just got some drapes drycleaned that were just a little dusty and wrinkled and it was about $100). Does anyone know more about steam washers and steam dryers? Susie
  19. I see there are also some others like the Maytags ($1198) at Home Depot (and the LGs but I've heard they aren't as good?) and the kenmore oasis HE3 set for $850 and kenmore elite HE3t for $1000. Decisions, decisions!!! Susie
  20. My washer just died and I thought I would replace both with a high efficiency front load washer and dryer set. I can't figure out which is the best though. There is the Kenmore set for $580, a Samsung HE set for $1000 at Sears. A Whirlpool Duet for $998 at Lowes. I think these are all of the HE front loaders. Which do you think is the best deal and which is the most reliable and best units, in your opinion? Are they basically comparable? What would you buy? I have heard good things about the Samsung. The cheap kenmore set seemed to get a decent rating too. Not sure about the Whirlpool Duet set. As near as I can tell they are comparable. Am I missing something? I am really excited about getting a good washer/dryer and want to get the best value! Also, what are the chances if I get to the stores when they open (but not waiting a long time to open) of getting these different ones, would you say? Which one would I stand the best chances of getting? I was thinking of going to Sears because at least there I would have a second choice also. Thanks! Susie
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