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Posts posted by kwgilley

  1. I have been "lurking" here for several weeks now, trying to sort out the pc/laptop deals vs. my needs and I am just getting more and more confused.


    My situation: my 3 yo desktop caught on fire :eek: a few weeks ago and my laptop is old and very slow (my husband retrieved it for me from his boss's "send to the dump" pile!). However, I love being able to use the laptop anywhere vs. confined to the basement office.


    Primarily used for internet, Photoshop (editing, digital scrapbooking, etc.) Word, and kids educational-type games.


    I don't know if it would be best to replace the laptop or the desktop and if so, which is the best deal. I know I'll need an EHD. My desktop monitor would need to be replaced too.


    I would really appreciate some advice if anyone would care to comment. I hope my budget is realistic at about $500 - somewhat flexible.



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