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Everything posted by JamieLynn28

  1. Did you cancel your order through where you were picking the cards up? Or did Kodak Gallery cancel them?
  2. so tempting but i just recieved an order from them yesterday
  3. Does anyone have any working JC Penney codes for free shipping or % off?
  4. what brand was the dvd recorder? kind of regretting not getting one yesterday ;/ does anyone know where i can get a good deal on one today?
  5. i went to target around 9pm last nite and they still had alot of the idogs for $17. i'm not sure if its the same one you're looking for or if its a good price.. just thought i'd let you know :)
  6. daphne =)
  7. This is where we pre-ordered ours from. It was about 11.78 shipped. DH was happy
  8. i would definitely go with the acqua di gio by armani. love it.
  9. UGH.. i hope there are still things in my size left on friday by the time i get there. knew i should have got off my butt and went in today
  10. Does anyone know if this sale will possibly be in store on Friday?
  11. my DH is also a firefighter.. ebay is a good place to search for ideas. so far this year i have ordered magnetic ribbons for his truck ("support our firefighters" with flames) and a money clip with a maltese cross on it. i also ordered a vintage fire helmet, its from the 70's. i've been looking for more, preferably older, but they seem to all be going for 100+ and i don't want to spend that much seeing as i want to get other things besides firefighting related. ebay also has many decals (DH has 2 on his back window, 1* and firefighters walk where the devil dances) and tshirts. thefirestore.com has helmets, boots, etc. i'm ordering him some rocky paraboots (i think thats the name). the vanmark red hats of courage line is great.. but i don't know too many men who would get excited about collectibles, lol. those are mainly for my satisfaction hope i helped!
  12. my due date just happened to fall on black friday last year =) i went, of course. i did wonderful. if you could have seen the looks on people's faces when they asked when i was due and i said 'TODAY!'
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