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About teecat

  • Birthday 02/02/1963
  1. Just ordered from VS! When I got to work and checked my email, the $25 Off your order email was waiting for me. It looks like it was sent on Friday, October 12 at 6:11 p.m. (I don't check my email on the weekends) So, I just had to order myself 7 new panties for $11.XX shiiped to my house. Yeah! Great start to the week!
  2. Great deal! What is the code for the additional 30% off all clearance? Thanks
  3. Yeah! $4.50 Extra Bucks!
  4. Can't Wait! 3 Girls dressed in our Black Friday tshirts & sweatshirts leave house by 3:00 a.m., meet up with another group of girls for lunch & margaritas. Leave there for a few more stops, usually home for around 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. Long Day! But a BLAST!
  5. A BIG THANKS! Just ordered a set for a niece's wedding gift. $23.39 delivered to my door. AWESOME! I have a set that is 20 years old and still going. Great knives! Thanks Again!
  6. Ran through my local JC Penny's to go into the mall and found some dearform super soft slippers reg. $18.00 down to $5.30 (the cashier told her friend working to go and get her a pair) and a sterling silver chain that I needed to put a charm on reg. $60.00 down to $7.xx, then I used an extra 15% off coupon. (Every little bit counts!) My total was $13. and change. SCORE!:
  7. Thanks so much! I used this coupon yesterday to get my daughter 5 pair of PINK panties (to put in her Christmas stocking) for 16.xx. I printed some more copies and plan to use them all month! Thanks again!
  8. Tried To Order, Would Not Let Me Ship To Store For Pick Up. Shipping Was $6.something, Not A Great Deal.
  9. Where do you find the Target UPC Finds???
  10. I just ordered 3 sets in Louisiana. (for my college kids) Threee sets of the luggage with shipping was $41.85. Not bad!
  11. [[font="Tahoma"There are 2 Targets in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and they can have the same items with different prices...I love perimeter perusing at Target though! Does anyone know when the patio items will go 50% off? [/font]
  12. Am I doing crazy or what??? I looked at this PacSun website this morning at home thought I saw tons of $1.99 stuff. Get to work and going to order some stuff and the prices are not the same???
  13. I went to my Walmart and got this game for $15...still a good deal regular price is 24.95
  14. :g_dance: Thanks so much for the post! Ordered a new 7 1/2 ft. Christmas tree w/1000 lights for work for $37.25 even w/shipping it was $66.84.
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