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  1. If you choose to receive the GC electronically can you still use in store?
  2. Really interested in the iPhone 6s deal with $250 GC at Target, but I really don't want to go to the store on Thursday night. Do you think if I wait until Friday I will still be able to get this deal? DD has been living with an iPhone 4s with a cracked screen for several months now and it's time to upgrade!
  3. Looking for a deal on a Macbook for DD who will graduate HS this year. She is definite that she wants a Mac not a PC. Do you think I will find better deals on BF or can I wait until graduation/Back to School and still find some pretty good deals?
  4. I am looking for iTunes cards for Graduation gifts - anyone know if they are on sale anywhere?
  5. Thanks! I have a $10 e-GC that I got with another purchase so that will be a great deal.
  6. I am looking a deal for all 3 Twilight movies (Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon) on Blu Ray. Any suggestions? TIA
  7. BestBuy.com had them on sale, not sure if they still are or not. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?202373-Best-Buy-Apple-Itunes-Gift-Cards-15-off&highlight=itunes
  8. Same here! Spent all my money @ BB last year for Christmas, but nothing in my email and nothing in my RZ account.
  9. mesarobins

    Angel Tree

    Okay so I have 2 gifts from off the Angel Tree, these are the kind that are requested by the parent who is in prison. The first one is a 12 year old girl and the request is "hair products and make up" so what kind of make up or hair products are appropriate for a 12 yr old? Regular shampoo and conditioner seems cheesy. I am a very conservative parent who would only let my 12 year old wear lip gloss and maybe a little blush, so I need some assistance here. The second request is for a 16 year old girl for "books (animal)" since I don't know reading level this is kind of tricky, however most of the books for young adults aren't the animal story kinds. So what would you all recommend. Gift cards are not acceptable they have to be an actual gift.
  10. Great Graduation gifts too. Teenagers love these!
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