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About CarbonPetra

  • Birthday 08/21/1983
  1. thanks :) the one thing i get frustrated about with the stores around me... is that they dont' put the stuff where its supposed to be! they put it at odds and ends... electronics in the toys or clothes... etc.. etc... rather annoying! Although, my MIL works at Meijers and I told my husband I was going to have her pull a few things and hide them... and he asked me if I wanted to get her fired... wishful thinking
  2. Well.. I hope Target has some good deals... cuz I'm paying off my target card so I can use that.. hehe... I am saving up and clearing room on my cards because one to cut down the debt, but two... I dont want to worry about carrying cash or my checkbook. I just want my license and my credit card, less to carry... last year a few people reported getting their purses stolen because it was in the cart and they were trying to get stuff off the shelves... its a good time for deals, but a good time for ignorant people too... I can't wait! I hate shopping on any other day... but this day... ooh teh adrenaline.. yeehawww!
  3. last year, i was 7 months prego with my baby... and i was in line at Sears, some lady was smoking blowing it in my face... I snapped and said, I don't smoke and neither does my unborn child, she looked down, seen that I was prego and said *im sorry, i didn't realize you were prego* (i was wearing a thick poncho and had my purse in front of me) and she immediately put it out turned around and blew the smoke out of her mouth. i was shocked but appreciative. as for other people, they dont care, all they care about is those items. i think people look at it as the one day a year they can push and complain and act like a child and they take advantage of it. I never realized it could be so fun. I do suggest you pad your belly, wear a thick shirt or something. And push your way through, make it apparent your prego, some people still have kindness... i think. depending on the store though, if you dont need a cart, dont take one. Last year, I had someone tag team... they stood in line and I went and collected the items I wanted, boy did that piss people off... but hey they were doing it. Good luck!
  4. wow! didn't know that my computer did that! sorry... is there anyway i can delete the extra posts?
  5. yup i do it! i start out by getting all the ad's... I get Meijers in extreme advance cuz my MIL works there and she finds one when they first gets them an brings it home hehe... but after I get all ads, I usually spend a few days before Thanksgiving, writing down each item from each store I want to get. Then I go by store opening time (which usually I go to Meijers first because they are open all night... but I am looking to get a new computer so Best Buy may be my only option IDK), then I put them in the direction I'm going... My things this year... will be a new computer with EVERYTHING lol even enough ink for a while... LOL... I want to get stuff for my kids, and I'm looking to get some stuff for my business and school too... but Office Depot has LOTS of free after mail in rebate stuff... yippee! This year, a group of us will be getting together and joining forces.. hehe... each person or maybe 2-3 people together will hit each store and shop for what everyone wants, then after we are done shopping we are gonna meet for breakfast and swap the items... so that way we all get what we want. ONly problem with this though is that they have limits... so we'll see!@
  6. no shit! how cool is that!
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