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Posts posted by toolmaan

  1. Wichita KS Cabela's this morning about 4:45 I would guess 800 people in line. If there were less than 600 I would of gotten in line for the freebies which I heard 90% of the people got a $5 gift card. I went to Menards, got in line at 5:25 probably 100 people ahead of me. At 6 when the door opened I would guess 400 people behind me.

  2. what is gander mountain? never heard of it

    Basically a outdoors type store, lots of hunting and fishing equipment. Kinda like Bass Pro Shops, or Sportsman warehouse, or Cabellas

  3. Usually around $75 per kid, I have 2 kids. I can't spend lots of money on gifts, I have a nice house and a nice car and my wife and I are both teachers so we don't make big$$. To my family having those things is really way more important than what we get for christmas.
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