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Everything posted by badazzbuyer

  1. Best Buy wont match Free offers which this clearly is! Good Luck but expect them to deny you. Just take back the system and go buy it at Toys R Us!
  2. You dont even know what racism is. You know nothing about me. I use the word hood but I guess that must be reserved for whites right? May God fill you with HELL for your moron attitude
  3. Economically challenged is a term used for people that don't understand you have to work for a living! Not that they work their tails off for minimums. Your right it's all about the excitement of the kids when they wake up however you don't know what area I live in and the difference BF was vs. normal business days. Let me ask you this. Would you be praising me for stuffing 4 xbox 360's in layaway?
  4. I think you guys are getting this all wrong. I was pointing out people taking advantage of BF items and layawaying 2-3-4 of same items. Lets get real here, its one thing to use it to hide gifts etc. It's another to do it for complete greed and that was the subject of my post. Taking 2,3.4 of care bears and stowing them in layaway is one thing however do people really need that many laptops or 20" tv's? That's where i have an issue!! Again i think you guys are taking this the wrong way.
  5. Understand I'm referring to multiple items being stowed in Layaway and all BF items. Also understand these people are from the hood part of town as i stated. Obviously the guy with 3 laptops had other intentions. Please read post thoroughly before posting comments.
  6. Ok I admit I got a late start and didn't make my arrival to Walmart until 5:50am. Before I explain my post I want to say that Im not upset about not getting anything *HOT* at walmart because all I was after was the Dora TV/DVD combo but no big deal if I didn't get it because my kids are kinda outgrowing Dora. Here is my story Me and my wife woke up late after getting to bed at midnight. We figured a brand new WM out in a small suberb and away from the richest folk of Columbus we would have a shot at getting at least something strolling in an hour late. As we make our way back to electronics to track down this dora tv/dvd combo I was amazed by the line of people with tons of electronics and other BF items in their carts. I figured this was a checkout line since WM likes to make u pay for things in that department. I noticed 2 $99 tv/dvd in 2 different carts being taken care of by 1 lady. I seen 3 yes 3 of the laptops in one guys cart. I was along the lines of good for them. I can hopefully have a chance at what I want. I spent a few minutes hunting the electronics area for this Dora TV/DVD thing. When an employee came free I asked her where I could find this. She pointed toys. I make my way over and finally spot the area where they were selling this item. All the way back in the corner of the toys area. Stuff was thrown everywhere. I just looked at my wife when I didn't find any and said oh well the were getting too old for Dora anyways! Obviously this was a comment to make myself feel better. It worked actually. Now back to that huge line that was wrapped from the back of the store in electronics around to automotive. I estimate it was 45 people deep. I found out this line was a line for Layaway! I was ticked. Not that i didnt get any BF items however it was the fact that people were "Gambling" on multiple BF items. I use the word "Gambling" because xmas layaway is just that. Your putting items away to pay on throughout the holiday hoping to have enough to get everything out. If you come up short walmart puts item back on shelf. The people standing in line was obviously from the *economically challenged* part of town. I vowed that I will never come to walmart on BF again because they allow this. Again let me say it's the fact they allow layaway on BF items. What other store does this? I think WM and KMart are only stores that still do layaway and I dont believe in this for these deals. If you have the money now, you get it now simple as that. Don't try to put 3 laptops in layaway, go home and post on ebay, get the money and then come get them out. -Steve
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