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About kamilleon

  • Birthday 11/18/1969
  1. I have a Kenmore Canister which I like but I LOVE my Eureka "The Boss" traditional upright (with bag) The best part about this vac is that the parts (bags and belts) are available everywhere. I used a 20% off coupon at BBB last year when I got all new carpet. It truly...SUCKS! LOL (In a good way!)
  2. Can someone tell me if Bedding will go lower than 50% off? My daughter has had her eye on a set for the past few weeks and it is only 50% off... I was hoping it would go lower. Thanks in advance!
  3. I have had a Cuisinart Brew Central for 5 years... I am just now looking to replace it as the burner is not keeping the coffee hot enough for my liking. I am really mad I missed out on the one at Kohls! See what happens when I take a day off GottaDeal? It's going to cost me more money!!!! Anywho... Same coffeemaker at Sam's Club is $49.XX I bought my first one there and will most likely buy my new one there now, too!
  4. In the chest, yes. I have a down jacket from years ago that is an XL so I ordered the Weatherly in an XL. It was WAY too tight in the chest! I went to Sears and tried a few Plus sizes on and needed to go to a 2X! I am hoping that the rest of the jacket isn't ginormous! I hate having big boobs!
  5. Thank you SOOOOOO much for this post! I ordered the Weatherly jacket when it was a St Nicks Pick a few weeks ago and needed a different size and when I called to reorder they wouldn't honor the same price and wanted to charge me $10 more! :-)
  6. I placed an order for a new desktop this past Thursday 12/11. I was given an anticipated ship date of 01/07/09. I checked my status and it is in delivery preparation and expected to ship TODAY and be here THIS Thursday. Wow! Merry Christmas TO ME! I am so happy I did not choose a laptop. I hope that the Dell elves are working overtime to fulfill orders for those of you waiting for them for Christmas.
  7. I am currently running XP on all of my computers. I am looking at a laptop for myself from Dell that runs Vista but offers a downgrade to XP. I guess I could probably answer my own question but am looking for other people who have switched systems: 1) Will Office XP Pro work with Vista? 2) Will I run into alot of sftware and hardware issues if I choose Vista? I am on the fence right now..... Thanks for anyones help!
  8. I just received an email from Barnes and Noble about a delay in my order. One of the items I ordered will not be shipped until 12/26. There is one SMALL problem..... The order arrived today. LOL
  9. Oh good lord. That is not even funny. A friend of mine works at a UPS Store and this year has been one of the worst for UPS. No one wants to take responsibility for the issues, either. Drivers are impatient, customers want things there yesterday, and not to even mention how much it actually costs you to ship the stuff! Based on his horror stories, anything I needed to send this year went USPS!
  10. Our Walmart has a GIFT CARD ONLY lane for quick and easy checkout!
  11. Hooray for stupid thieves! LOL
  12. This is always heatwarming to see...... Robbers Steal FedEx Truck Loaded With Holiday Presents in New York
  13. Are there any exclusions for this deal? UPDATE: I called SportsAuthority.com and North Face is an exclusion. Bummer.
  14. I am looking for a code to work on North Face as well. angelic680- Have you checked Amazon for the Denali? I was looking for another model and there was a men's Denali on sale for $129.99
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