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Everything posted by merilinda

  1. OK here is the deal, go back to ( or call ) the sporting goods dept and ask is they will look in the back and see if they have any swing sets still, they have to go look and most the time they find 1 or 2 in the back corner ........................ the comps lie and say they do or don't have any so you have to ask them to check for you
  2. Got this one today , http://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/cvs/gateway/promotion?pid=6074&step_nbr=160
  3. HUFFY STADIUM PLAYCENTER Zoom product image. $299.99 Select Stores http://www.academy.com/index.php?page=content&target=products/outdoors/patio/play_sets&start=0&selectedSKU=0410-01232-1114 Style#: 11114 This versatile playcenter is a playground,soccer field and basketball court all-in-one Also includes 2 swings, 2-person glide ride, 8ft. slide,rock climbing wall, plus a football, basketball and soccer ball I found this in the Phoenix area at Kmart for $50.00 .................
  4. Good , now I know I am not the only one that spends all my time at CVS !
  5. ExtraCare Promotion History Description Point Balance End Date Promotion Details SUMMER 2007 SPENDING 394.85 09/16/2007 Current Coupons Description Value Exp. Date Coupon Details Coupon $7.50 EXTRA BUCKS 11/15/2007 SUMMER 2007 SPENDING
  6. Wow now thats what I was talking about Thank You so Much
  7. wow I cant belive noone has the other codes so I am going to bump this up and try again $4 off $20 CVS (Dec/26) http://www.mediafire.com/?5o3yjdbgdl3 $4 off$20 CVS (Dec/7) http://www.extracarerewards.com/welc...ome_121607.gif
  8. Can someone with better comp. skills than me add the links to all the CVS coupons ,(like the $4.00 off $20.) so I dont have to search all the different cvs threads to find them please. like this one https://www.cvs.com/CVSApp/cvs/gateway/viewextracarepromo?action=xtrapromoview just click the sign up for e-mails $4.00
  9. I have the same question .I did that triple savings page thing and now it says: Description Point Balance End Date Promotion Details SUMMER 2007 SPENDING 394.85 09/16/2007 wonder how much I should be getting Back?
  10. Hello Thing Flingers !!! Here is the latest edition of the SpyFling Report. Starting tonight (Aug, 30th) until Monday (Sept, 3rd) ThingFling will list every item for 30 minutes each. On top of that, ThingFling has decided that every time one item is listed the first one that is sold will be flung to you FREE*. Yes, you got that right. Every time any item is listed (or re-listed) the first (and only the first) item that is sold will be FREE*. But the Spy is here to bring you the facts, so here it is: 1 - A different item (some new and some previously listed) will be posted every 30 minutes. 2 - Every time an item is listed the first one sold will be flung for FREE*. 3 - In case of orders for multiple quantities, only the first one will be refunded. 4 - Due to the holiday all orders will start being shipped on Tuesday (Sept, 4th). 5 - On Tuesday (Sept, 3rd) we'll post the winners on the "What did you get?" section of the forum. 6 - No cancellations will be accepted, NO exceptions. *To qualify for the free item the order must be paid in full. After the end of the promotion (Sept, 3rd) all first items sold will be refunded to the lucky flingers. Please allow 5 business days to process your refund. www.thingfling.com
  11. omg not in Arizona .............
  12. I got this in my mail today, sorry If there is another thread out there on this one , but here it is . Hello Thing Flingers !!! Ok, summer is here, holiday is up… and not many people will have the time to be buying online. But for the ones who do, ThingFling will load you up. (And we mean it!) Orders will not be processed untill Monday, July 9th. So keep this in mind. - Starting tonight items will only run for 1 hour or less. (Yes, they may repeat) - For anybody that completes 5 ORDERS or more!!! We will send you a special gift. (We are looking for the lucky ones.) And that’s not all!!! Actually that is just the beginning … - ThingFling will randomly make special listings at really, really low prices. This is what you are looking for… a deal at an unbeatable price. We just want to make it clear that these items will not be listed at this prices again. They will only be available for a short period of time and only untill Sunday night. After that we will not list those items again. This is going to be an inventory cleanout. ThingFling style! And at the end of this craziness we will list some new items, never seen before. That’s right we know you are eager for new products we understand. Don’t miss out on the fun!!
  13. to bad the King is $99 ,or i would have jumped on this in a heart beat
  14. How did you get the 20% off ?
  15. ok I was hopeing not to have to pay to much more than you got them for, I dont care if they are opened......and not sure how much it would be to ship them...........I am in zip code 85033 ...let me know what you would like for all 4 please my personal e-mail is [email protected] Thank you
  16. Anyone want to sell me theirs ?. I have 4 girls and 2 bags let me know please.
  17. I called customer service and explained that the web site said .99 and they completed my order over the phone I ordered 6 boxes at $6.42 with free shipping . Good Luck
  18. How about, tie a ribbon to a gift tag hang it on the tree all pretty(but) have it run a course around the house ,yard or whatever to the final place maybe to a burried treasure box in the flower bed , with a gift card in it ? or if there is snow where you live run it to a box or letter in a hand of a snowman.
  19. or you could be real bad and buy a new one put the broken one in the box and return it for full refund?.......................... Alright already , it was just a thought lol
  20. Ok like the courious one I am ,I ordered them,the order form said in stock, but when it confirmed the sale, it said back stock item? lol I Guess I will Have to wait and see what happens
  21. I arrived at the Walmart at 2:15 am was second in line for the desk top(which was in the middle of the hot isle) they had 52 of them , At 4:40 the manager decided he was going to have employees hand them out, we was worried because they made us move our carts back away and cleared a 3ft area around them, assuring us not to worry they knew who was first in line and we would get one ,...........Soon as they said five am , a wall rushed us slamming the front of the line into the pallets , people were grabbing,hitiing and stampedeing so bad, I finally grabbed hold of the bottom box left on pallet (where i was shoved into it), at that time so many people was trying to pull my off my box ,that they actully ripped my pant off me ( I was wearing the Nike snap sides sport pants) I am a grandmother of five, thank goodness I thought we were going to be standing outside so I had a pair of pj leggings on under them, or I would of had my bare butt shining, Never the less, I got a good bruise on my chest and scraped elbows, but I got the comp : ) but nothing else was left
  22. Funny, I went to my Walmart and found the care bears and the fisher price zoo sounds on the shelf, so i tried to put them on lay way , but it said ,item can not be sold, but the manager said , it was their fault that they were sheved so she would hold them in the layway area for me to retrieve(purchase) on bf at the advertised price
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