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  1. This is something I want to get my almost 2yo son. I'll have to take a peek in my WM but I doubt I'll be so lucky. Awesome for you though.
  2. I've never gone to Target first but since they've always opened later I usually get there just before it opens and I've always gotten in and what I wanted with no problems! Good luck.
  3. I usually end up with sweats and turtlenecks for the kids. This year Target is only doing the sale on them until Wednesday though.
  4. Ooooh! I'll be checking starting at midnight. LOL
  5. The suspense is killing me!!!!!
  6. Thanks for the info!
  7. My friend was at Target today and said that there are 12 tents with people camping out there because our Target is only getting 12 of them. It's crazy!
  8. My husband goes with me every year on BF. We're a great team and he really looks forward to it as much as I do. This year he doesn't know if he can go with me and he's very disappointed!!!
  9. Last year my dh stood in line while I waited in the warm car. We were no where near the front of the line and then when the line started to move I jumped in with him. Really I don't see the problem with that because whether or not I got in line with him 10 minutes before we got in the store we're going to be buying the same thing. I don't do BB or CC where they have the ticket system or limit of one so we're not doing it to get coveted tickets or to get 2 of something that your only allowed to get 1 per person.
  10. I voted cash but I will be using my bank debit card. It has a visa logo but comes right out of my account.
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