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  1. I found the Christmas themed Chex Mix Muddy Buddies were still on the regular shelves priced the regular price but scanning half price right now in Aurora CO. I'm waiting until they HOPEFULLY go 90% off then they are mine! Hopefully yours are on the shelf not marked clearance either so you can score on them too.
  2. I came across an incredible 75% off find today: ### 072 04 0136 - Ninja™ NJ600 Professional Blender - was 99.99 now $24.98 Here is a link to the item online at Target.com: http://www.target.com/s?keywords=ninja+bglender+&searchNodeID=1038576%7C1287991011&ref=sr_bx_1_1 I am hoping they are on clearance where you are. I swear by the Ninja products and am thrilled to have found this!!! :)
  3. I discussed the disappearance of the "good stuff" with an electronics employee the other day and he said that the employees do either buy or hook each other up with clearance deals esp. in electronics. "One of the "perks" of working there." Oh well. I guess if we want something bad enough pay more or stalk. :/
  4. Awwww. rats... They did pull it. I was able to print a couple last night and it is gone today.
  5. Here is a great tip from TotallyTarget. Merona women's socks are on clearance. You can print a Target coupon for "2/1 Merona® Women’s Socks or Hosiery Item" at Target's website making them either free or SUPER cheap. Print your coupon soon, because it's possible that it could get pulled: Target Link - click the link "See More" on the top menu bar to find the "Coupon" link Look under the APPAREL link on the left side for a shortcut to the coupon. **** NOTE - The coupon is now gone... *****
  6. Salvage (probably in this case) = Pulled off the shelf when they go 75% for a GREAT backroom deal for Target Employees...
  7. I came across some Chesapeake Bay 4" pillar candles at 75% off. (75¢ each) ### 054 05 0234 Lime Mojito Chesapeake Bay 4" pillar candle at 75% off. (75¢ each) ### 054 05 0192 Orange Spritzer Chesapeake Bay 4" pillar candle at 75% off. (75¢ each) ### 054 05 0285 Pina Colada Chesapeake Bay 4" pillar candle at 75% off. (75¢ each) ###They have more fragrances, these are the ones I liked. I am pretty picky and I really like these. They will make great teacher gifts this Christmas. A little touch of summer fragrance in the middle of winter is always nice. :)
  8. I saw quite a few at 30% & 50% off in Denver, CO yesterday
  9. Grabbed the kids back to school list for their grade next year and am doing some of my 2011 BTS shopping now. Got backpacks that are going into storage (they FINALLY went 75% off) I also found some metal water bottles on clearance 75% off (cost was $2.?? something) Found Snuggies for small dogs for $2.50
  10. Here in SE Aurora (Denver), CO our school supplies are finally 75% off. The backpacks are stuck at 50% off. I may do some BTS shopping for next year. Grabbed another Snuggie. I have 2 coupons left. Probably stop by tomorrow. There are some advantages to having 4 computers in the house.
  11. I got tired of waiting for backpacks to go down lower than 50% off so we bought ours this weekend. The spot where the BP's are is where they are going to put Xmas lights and so they will be there for awhile. Thank you for the Snuggie lead - printed my coupon and it worked great! Bummer that my print limit has been reached. Try this link for the coupon. It should be the first one to appear. http://sharer.coupons.com/?s=ybucut :)
  12. Well, our Target in SE Aurora (Denver) Co is finally down to 50% off for most of the Back to school items. Most of the kids in the area have been in school for a couple weeks now, so there are a bunch of backpacks and misc school things left. We don't NEED anything right now and so I will wait for it to go to 75% before buying. I did buy my daughter's backpack yesterday at 30% off since it was a Tinkerbell one and one she really wanted. Did not want to risk missing out on it. I also saw a bunch of the college dorm things on clearance. Most were at 50% off. Really cute bedding sets, great for teens.
  13. That's the magic number for me! I am going in to see what they have left today. I did see the school supplies marked down (clearance) here (Denver, CO), but not by much yet. Will report on my findings. Oh - I found another killer site for Target deals. They focus on current sales and match coupons up to come up with amazing details. TotallyTarget dot com. :)
  14. Has anyone had any luck with back to school things going on clearance yet? Holding out for new backpacks & the expensive-ish Trapper Keeper type folders.
  15. If anyone is looking for children's baseball cleats - you can also use soccer cleats which are on clearance for $4.98 a pair (75% off) ### 088030873 Diadora Soccer Cleat $4.98 -- 75% off I also picked up several wall canvas art pieces: ### 074 12 0621 "Laugher is life's best medicine" Canvas Art - $2.48 -- 75% off ### 074 12 0618 "Dream" Canvas Art - $2.48 -- 75% off ### 074 12 0617 "Believe" Canvas Art - $2.48 -- 75% off ### 074-12-0610 "Love" Canvas Art - $2.48 -- 75% off I LOVE using these! ### 085 03 0791 OOK Professional Picture Hanging Valu-pak! $3.98 - 50% off I also bought a repackaged Ninja Master Prep for only $35.00 It works beautifully! It was an early Mother's Day gift to myself. :) http://www.biteofthebest.com/wp-content/uploads/fb_ninja.jpg I didn't check the toys or electronics, I will do that soon! :)
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