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Everything posted by EagleEye

  1. Yeah, but it would be the best couple of days of work ever
  2. Yep, in Phoenix. However, the bank charges a 7% fee even though it is a school for charity. But thanks for the tip.
  3. My mom needs to buy a coin counter for the middle school that she works at. She has been given a budget of up to $150 (including s/h, tax, ect.). Through the many differnt programs, the machine will be used to count hundreds of dollars of change, so I would like a very sturdy/ good quality one. Thanks for your imput!
  4. lol, seagates make the best quality hds , with a distant second by WD. Just be sure and stay away from Maxor.
  5. EagleEye

    Gender Poll

    Woah, I thought there would be more females than males, but not that many. Im a guy, and to shanni, GO STEELERS!!!
  6. EagleEye


    Lol, here in Phoenix we are still hovering right below 100 degrees!!! but it gets to be low 60's during the morning. I feel sorry for all of you guys battleing snow and sleet, but GL anyways.
  7. Wow, this is a great price. I got the A520 from Dell Home for 163 shipped a month or two ago. Its a great camera. My only complaint is that it takes a long time between shots (2 to 3 seconds), so you can't take rapid succession shots, but still a great camera!
  8. Thanks for pointing that out, but still $25 off an ebay purchase is still pretty good.
  9. Wow this is great, I'm going to buy some Cowboy tickets off ebay (not for me, I hate the cowboys) and this could save me around $50. Thanks alot
  10. wow, that is a really cheap mp3 player. Has anyone ever had any experience with this player and what's the sound quality like?
  11. Just ordered, and if anyone else wants this camera, the coupons were: XC2HW2$HNKQ?TS and 5?KHKMQ4XTGQ4$
  12. Thanks for all the help! I think I will order the camera now, and then the sd card seperately later tonight. Thanks again.
  13. yeah, seemed like a good price, cheapest anywhere else was over 200 + s/h. In a review I read, it said it takes SD/MMC cards. Is that just normal sd cards? And are there only good deals on them right now?
  14. Read a review on it, and it sounded like an execellent camera for the price. With a 25% off coupon, and 20$ E&A coupon, it comes out to 166.75 with free shipping. Also, could someone point me out to a cheap sd card, probably 512 mb (that's what this camera takes, right?). I know dell has a 25% off digital media coupon right now, but I don't know what the best is right now. Thanks for your help!
  15. Nice deal if you want a high-end system, vaild today only: Use the exclusive online e-mail coupon below at checkout and receive $500 OFF select systems over $1499! Limited number of redemptions available. Offer cannot be combined with other dollars off or percent off offers. Offer excludes Deals of the Week, Latitude X1 notebooks, Inspiron XPS Gen 2 notebooks, and e-value and order codes ending in "F0." Offer ends 5:59AM CST 8/18/05. Coupon Code: S??NTTTVZNXZ4L For one day only, coupon offer applies to Dimension 5100, 5100C, 9100, and XPS desktops that already receive Free 19" FP upgrade!
  16. If you have little kids and still haven't gotten them a gba, this is an amazing price. I recently sold 2 of them on ebay for 38 and 36 bucks (without shipping and without a game, and they were used!!!). Amazing price! http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000AHOYI.01._PE50_SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0000AHOYI/
  17. Yes, althought it is not a big deal as it still comes with the 3 year warranty. However, it does say pre-order, so I don't know when it would be shipped. At that price (i think it is 450 retail?), it might have a large backorder.
  18. A whole lot better. Check out some of these benchmarks, it even beats the 6800ultra in mostscenerios. http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/20050705/vga-charts-pcie-02.html It's about 2.5 times better. I'm considering this card also, I have a 9700pro btw.
  19. yeah, but still a kickass card if your mobo has an agp slot
  20. http://shop.ati.com/searchresults.asp?dept_id=39 then enter code "1010" for even more of a savings. $229 for the card, then -10% or so. not bad if you have AGP.
  21. Don't know if you can do this online, but my newspaper had an ad for this laptop also and for an additional 29 dollars, you can double the ram (to 512 mb) and add a decent printer. However, it also adds two more MIRs that you would have to fill out, but 512 ram is really nice and if you need a new printer, it is a really good deal.
  22. Thanks and thanks to CheapArse, but unfourtinatly, the CC near me doesn't have them in stock
  23. thanks for the quick reply RossMan, i just went to the eOpinions website, but wireless g would be nice.
  24. Wow, this is an AWESOME deal!!! Does anyone know if this has a wireless card in it (hopefully g), or would you have to install one. Thanks n/m found the answer to my own question, it has an integrated wireless lan, but it doesn't say if it is b or g, guess b that thats ok. Think i'm taking a trip to cc right now, hope they still have in stock.
  25. Hmm, I might have to buy some CD's 8 bucks for a new CD is pretty nice Also, just FYI, you didn't list the price for the notebook Thanks!
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