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About Bopeep

  • Birthday 09/13/1972

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    Washington, OK

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  1. My sister crochets. She has started 4 temperature blankets (I think is what they are called), one for herself and one for my sister, brother, and me. She's been using Joanns branded yarn. She said the yard from HL comes close to the same colors, but not exact. She's going to try to get as much yarn as she can, but it probably won't be enough to finish the blankets so she's pretty bummed about it too.
  2. The end of February brought me grand baby number 7. I'm so in love with her.
  3. Our company has been remote since 2020. After a couple years, it was pretty much a given that we would just stay remote. We got rid of a lot of office supplies and rented out half our building (there's a locked door that separates the 2). Now the owners are building new offices for all the companies under their umbrella and are saying we have to go back once the office is done. "We aren't spending this money on a new building for no one to work in it!". Then why build it??? I'm actually praying they will at least let us work a hybrid schedule.
  4. All Secret Santa gifts AND ornament exchanges have been received! Thank you all so much, I hope you had as much fun this year as I did. I'm going to go ahead and post the lists now, in case I don't have time to get back in here on Christmas day. I hope you all have a very Happy Holiday season! A HUGE thank you to Gatorburg and BFAddict716!
  5. I love that sweater paper!
  6. I bought the deer! I had told myself if they still had them after Christmas when they are half off, I could have one. And just for grins, I checked to see if they still had any, figuring they were sold out. They have ONE left at my local store. And it’s already marked half off! I’m gonna have to move a chair out of the living room next year, and my dog is going to HATE him. But I bought the deer!
  7. Tracking update - All ornament exchanges have been received. YAY! We have 2 SS still out. I only have a tracking # for 1 of them, but I'm confident the other one has been shipped. The one I have a tracking # for is still working its way through the postal system. Fingers crossed both of these arrive before Christmas! I'll keep an eye on them.
  8. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
  9. Santa came! And I am not one to wait. LOL. First, my ornaments. They could not be more perfect! I love them so much and I can't wait to dig into the cocoa packets you so thoughtfully included! From Santa, I've been all set up to pamper myself while I enjoy that cocoa. I got a tumbler, a relaxation mask, a scented candle, some bath salts and a bath fizzy, a bath soap, and some fuzzy socks for if I ever get out of the tub! Y'all have spoiled me, and I am so grateful. Thank you both so so much!
  10. My cat used to sleep under the tree. She never messed with it, or knocked anything over like all the horror stories you hear. She just liked to curl up under there in her safe little cocoon. I used to wonder if SHE wondered why the tree wasn't there all year .
  11. I have heard from everyone that their packages have shipped or will be shipped soon. Now, hopefully USPS, UPS, and FedEx do their jobs correctly and there are no porch pirate issues this year! As always, please be sure to let me know when you receive your package, even if you aren't planning to open until Christmas.
  12. Thank you so so much!
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